ToM |
I would like to ask if there is possibility to use markitup! for index page and list templates. I have no problem to use it markitup for page, users, forum, pfs or pm pages but for index page and list pages I have no chance to make functional. Is there anything what should i add to index and list .php? It would be grateful if somebody is able to put some light on that or some hint / tip. Thank Salvation is the gift but sometimes is to hard for us to acknowledge it.
pieter |
What do you want to do?
Markitup is to make a text into something (page, forum, ..) I don't see why you need it on the index. Of in list.tpl Maybe explain what you exactly need and want to do. ... can we help you ...
ToM |
Hello Pieter,
thank you for answer. It is quite easy. I need to put a form on index and list pages but I can show you easily on plug-in minichat. On this page (template) I can add markitup to shout-box if i add tag editor or other "custom" tags for markitup: formwithmarkitup_843.jpg But for list (template) event for index it doesn't work :-(: formwithoutmarkitup_843.jpg It is easy to add markitup feature for list and index or impossible? Thats my question ![]() Thank you very much Salvation is the gift but sometimes is to hard for us to acknowledge it.
esclkm |
if(!defined('SED_INDEX') && !defined('SED_LIST') && !defined('SED_MESSAGE')) ooops) - мой маленький зарождающийся блог о котонти.
снижение стоимости программирования и снижение стоимости производства разные вещи. Первое можно скорее сравнить с раздачей работникам дешевых инструментов, чем со снижением зарплаты |
ToM |
Hello Esclkm,
you are so great, it is strange that did not occur me. I was probably too tired ;-). Thank note: anyway is there a reason for this condition? Salvation is the gift but sometimes is to hard for us to acknowledge it.