Forums / Cotonti / Support / Cotonti links in many places...

#1 2010-02-16 19:03

I would like to make my site be w3 validated... but sometimes Cotonti produces links with bare & inside instead of & - can this be corrected?

Example - RSS icon link in Forum sections and topics... and sed_pagination() probably also produces such urls (I can't catch them all in minichat plugin)...

Thanks. :)
#2 2010-02-17 04:13
i have this problem too in the past... here the topic:
ive change the php mode safe to off in php.ini :)
[url=][/url] - The Freakstyle Community<br />
[url=]adelmann-solutions, webdesign Freiburg[/url]
#3 2010-02-17 16:22
No, I don't mean it appends session info to my links, but SOME of the regular urls have this problem. Validate forum section or any topic list of this site in a validator and you'll see.

There are hard-coded urls (like the one to RSS icon in Forum topic list) which instead of &amp; have &, and it generates validation errors.
#4 2010-02-17 17:51
Well, if you have examples of such urls, it will be easier to track them. Everything that uses sed_url() function puts &amp; correctly, incorrect links are really hardcoded ones.
May the Source be with you!
#5 2010-02-17 19:14
#6 2010-02-18 15:28
No, no... I know the places in which the urls are placed. Table design is fine, I can't imagine creating a topic section design (which IS a table) without using table, too much of a mess.

Example 1: RSS icons link in Forum topics, forum section (RSS link in pages and lists are fine)
Example 2: ... well, I'm not sure, but urls are messed in Minichat plugin and it used sed_pagination(). But on the other hand, pagination in other places on the site is fine, so I'm not sure.
#7 2010-02-23 15:45
RSS icons are now fixed in SVN, the fix will be available in 0.6.7.

As for the rest, it is mostly markup mistakes in plugins (translate, slimbox, myforums) and the skin on this site.
May the Source be with you!