Forums / Cotonti / Skins / Presentation


Is it all about that?

#1 2008-10-08 06:11
I've been looking for some popular cms and even blog systems, what i see, first they are not elegant and secure as much as Seditio, not fast not blah blah blah.

But usually, even the code is all mess, they look pretty simple. I use a site which provides only links to some material and it's only it. Not more,

I know, we can privatize and make it look like whatever we want, but maybe doing some simple and cool looking skin (absolutely not like sed-light) may attract some attention.

And for that matter, what is Seditio user segment? Pros? Newbies?
#2 2008-10-08 15:40
Intermediate and up
<a href="">Surreal Art</a>
#3 2008-10-08 23:26
Seditio/Cotonti is for people who know what they do and need a powerful weapon to hit the mark.

The lack of good skins is a problem, as well as lack of plugins: too few third-party contributors, and most of the cool stuff is done for private use. But it will change.
May the Source be with you!
#4 2008-10-10 21:56
Although Seditio can easily be fore more novice files with simple things such a converters/install script.

Also a few changes in core will make it alot nicer.
#5 2008-10-10 22:09
I share thoughts with Trustmaster.

Most things like PFS, should be plugin. Most sites hardly use %50 of Seditio system. We try to show everything on index page.
#6 2008-10-11 00:02
And by the way, nobody thinks this is an urgent issue, but actually this is the most urgent issue ahead of us. I hate coding on this skin, I liked base even more. Problem is, Xiode wanted to make this "light".

I don't know, we fixed and ported so many features, but never touched to design.
This post was edited by Kilandor (2008-10-31 22:46, 16 years ago)
#7 2008-10-11 03:40
I just used this as a base for Cotonti for now atleast, Cause I didn't want to have to update 3x skins with unique features we have just for this site.

But If people would rather have a different skin just say so.

And yes Alot of features should be plugin, and removed from core, like forums, PFS maybe? There would have to be a PFS api defiantly, as alot of spots use PFS.
#8 2008-10-11 14:01
Well, I think of hiring a graphical designer to draw new templates from scratch for our CMS of new era. The problem is that most likely I will have to code all the XHTML/CSS/JS/TPL myself. I'm not so bad at it, but it's time-consuming.
May the Source be with you!
#9 2008-10-12 07:12
PFS can be, but forums are core part. If we'll make forums out of the core, then everything will be plugin
#10 2008-10-14 03:57

I have a new and clean skin up and running / can i convert it to SED-N / Cotonti?
#11 2008-10-14 04:19
It should work out of the box. Some features like Subforums can be enabled with a few modifications (sed-light skin comes as an example).

Please stop double-posting in different threads or start your own thread to get answers to the questions related to your site.
May the Source be with you!
#12 2008-12-10 06:29
For us humans, the first impression is very important - whether its about beautiful girl, awesome looking car, nice house.

I don't see the reason why this shouldn't be the case with Cotonti. First time visitors can't tell much about backend features 'cause they have just heard (or found it with google) about Cotonti. They also can't tell if security is on high level.
But the one thing they can surely tell is that design is not appealing.

After that first impression, when they realize how powerful Cotonti is, they won't pay too much attention on how good the design is.

So first impression is very important!
We all love beautiful things, don't we? :)
#13 2008-12-10 22:24
One thought that has just popped up in my mind: will it be OK using this Xiode's skin as the default one when we go public? If you guys think "no", we gonna have a skinning contest.
May the Source be with you!
#14 2008-12-10 23:37
skinning contest:yes
#15 2008-12-11 01:47
Are there many designers willing to participate? I think we can even set some rewards for them.

So, if somebody wants to participate, please post in this topic. Or if you want to be one of the sponsors of this contest, contact me via PM or MSN/ICQ.

Contest details will come after we decide on it.
May the Source be with you!
