Forums / Cotonti / Core Labs / Archive / Installation scripts plugins

#1 2009-11-06 04:32
something like:

How does this work in Cotonti....
I want to generate some output in my install.php, but I don't know how..

Got a message:
Warning: No tags found in ./plugins/ezlinks/ezlinks.install.php
==- I say: Keep it EZ -==
This post was edited by ez (2009-11-06 04:41, 15 years ago)
#2 2009-11-06 05:21
See markitup.setup.php files
Pavlo Tkachenko aka Dayver
#3 2009-11-06 05:33
Ok, I see... ;)

But, how do I show some output (result from my installation) to the admin installation process...

There are tags and all sorts off stuff in the installation..
Is there a manual somewhere on how to use this.

Added 1 day later:

hey guys, does anybody now how to do this, i would really like to make nice plugins with nice installation...
I you have some documentation on this, please let me know.
==- I say: Keep it EZ -==
This post was edited by ez (2009-11-07 17:59, 15 years ago)
#4 2009-11-08 13:51
Tags are shown by placing them int he file wiht the hooks on Tags=
There is no way to output any text to the plugin page.

if($action == 'install')
  //Code that is executed on install
elseif($action == 'uninstall')
  //Code that its executed on uninstall
#5 2009-11-08 17:14
I think this should be made...

Plugin builders must be able to "tell" the user that the installation script did its work.
And what it did..

This shouldn't be to hard to make...
==- I say: Keep it EZ -==