Forums / Cotonti / Bugs / Archive / Wrong Dates - After Page Edit, PM viewing

#1 2009-10-29 02:54
I have this really weird bug. Every time I edit page, date gets changed to 30-11-2009 even though date was not changed when editing?

Also, when viewing single PM, date is 01-01-1970 03:00, even though it shows the right date on pm inbox list?

Cotonti 0.6.4
#2 2009-10-29 03:53
I think I have the same problem while editing birthday in user profile - создание сайтов, разработка плагинов и тем для Котонти
#3 2009-11-16 01:53
Birthdays are completely different, they use DATE type, all the rest dates are UNIX timestamps as INT.

This happens because {PAGEEDIT_FORM_DATE} is missing in your page.edit.tpl.

As for PM, it happens on some hosts so far we have no idea why. The code is identical in single and inbox.
May the Source be with you!
#4 2009-11-17 02:01
I forgot to report back here.. About the pages, you're right. I was missing that tag in tpl. :D
As for the PM trouble, I don't know. I'm testing it on 000webhost an there seems to be a problem, localhost is ok. Haven't tried on any other hosts, yet.
#5 2011-11-14 21:36

On my host, PM view also shows a strange date ^^

I made little checks (echoed $row['pm_date'] in various places) and found out that $row loses array data just after header include (before assigning tags). So I replaced all $row to $rowpm in file and now the date works :) (as well as other things)

Added 3 minutes later:

Oh well, I'm talking about Genoa 6.20, so it's quite up to date :)

#6 2011-11-15 01:42

Sounds like a variable name collision. We'll have to investigate.

#7 2011-11-15 21:32

Hmm, another weird thing with is that I can't hook into pm.tags.

I can easily hook into pm.send.tags of

Weird weird weird...

Added 11 minutes later:

Ahhh, I get it. I want to replace the textboxer, but it's inside the auth condition and gets parsed before calling the tags hook.

Now what? hack it? ...

This post was edited by tensh (2011-11-15 21:43, 13 years ago)
#8 2011-11-15 23:53

Create a new tag and use that instead wink

#9 2011-11-16 09:28

I just made a new hook in ... I don't want the textarea to disappear completely when I disable FCKeditor.

I don't think anything will be changed in Genoa PMs anyway now as we're getting closer to Siena.