Forums / Cotonti / General / Jumping ship (and my plugins)

#1 2009-10-23 00:57

I am going to jump ship.. What I mean is that I will leave seditio for what it is. :(
I am seeing a lot off progress on the cotonti site, and almost none on the sed site...
Actually it makes me a bit sad that its left for dead... but OK were going further.

I just read the new XTemplate stuff.... I love it :D Nice work ( the IF statements yeahh.. )

Question I have made a couple off plugins for sed.. Do you think they will port easily.
My plugins: My plugins

Some off them are very simple, but very nice. ?

I am going to work on cotonti plugins now.. B) I have a few nice ones cooking.

Can or is the BBCode parser plugin (seditio) ported to cotonti..
You can make your own bbcodes in there (wich can be very very usefull). I like this very much.

Well hoping to hear from you... And I will make my plugins available for cotonti.
==- I say: Keep it EZ -==
#2 2009-10-23 01:05
the bbcodes parser plugin is a core feature in Cotonti: admin.php?m=bbcode

All plugins for Cotonti are welcome. How small or how big they are.
... can we help you ...
#3 2009-10-23 01:10
Does this mean that cotonti has the same bbcode possibilities as sed right now...
If that's the case. I like it.

I will try the sed plugins on a cotonti install and see what happens :P
==- I say: Keep it EZ -==
#4 2009-10-23 01:42
if you go to cotonti install to yousite.con/admin.php?m=bbcode you can see what it can.
I have never tested the new sed-version.
... can we help you ...
#5 2009-10-23 03:55
EZ dutch support on dutchcotonti aswell is welcome m8
[b][/b]<br />
De plaats voor nederlandse ondersteuning voor Cotonti.<br />
The place for support for Cotonti in Dutch
#6 2009-10-23 14:37

Ik weet van dutchcotonti, ik zal zeker meehelpen.. B)
Ik heb vele goede ideeen voor plugins ;)
Ik was er voor sed al aan paar aan het maken, maar ik ga toch maar voor het project
wat voortgang maakt... Deze editor bv veel beter.

Zie je later...

I have tested the first plugin and it runs :D : Google Analytics Download it
==- I say: Keep it EZ -==
This post was edited by ez (2009-10-24 03:03, 15 years ago)
#7 2009-10-24 18:22
Nice, it's a very basic plugin but anything is welcome ;)
Good to see some more dutch people too :D I'd like to see more people from western Europe or America on the development team.
#8 2009-10-24 20:35
It is the most simple plugin you can think off :)) These are good for learning.

I am a developer, but I am just starting on php.., so I have still a lot to learn ;).
But I can learn very quick... So bring it on m8.

My homepage plugin is next to port... Somewhat more (borrowed) code, but It will probably run too.
I will be working on a couple off plugins.

1) ezmenu
2) register download

hopefully I can ask a lot off questions on these forums..
I don't see a lot off plugins just yet for cotonti. Let's all work on that too.

By the way... Can I use that skin you made... where can I get it.
Nice skin btw (You got my vote)
==- I say: Keep it EZ -==
This post was edited by ez (2009-10-24 20:52, 15 years ago)
#9 2009-10-25 00:19
Cotonti has Member's only download option already. When you add a download option, the creator can set Normal(all) or Members, for Members only (More specifically its a auth flag set by admins)
#10 2009-10-25 02:09
ez means that you need to fill in your email to download. If you are user or not.
I guess
... can we help you ...
#11 2009-10-25 06:07
yep.. Pieter is right. I want the persons email... and together with CAPTCHA, then only really interested people can download :)

I will send a link by email that you can use for downloading other than the original a=dl
you have to have your own private id.
url: a=dl&id=xxxxxxxxx

I am still working on it (I have he register and download part finished)
Still to do:
In a page add a Tag wich shows a checkbox (Register this download)
So you can decide wich pages (the downloads) should be registerd..
And also the UI for looking at the registrations.

Off course persons that are logged in (known users) can download directly.. (the registration part is only for unknown users) It will be registered under there userid

hope this makes sense.. will finish it do (I want it)
==- I say: Keep it EZ -==