How to show a specific comment?
donP |
In Seditio we were able to call a page immediatly pointing to a specific comment (via anchor method) with a link like this: what about now? To expand comments in Cotonti we have before to call http://www.yoursite/page.php?id=375#comments and after to call the comment number... Is there a little trick for this case? in [color=#729FCF][b]BLUES[/b][/color] I trust
Trustmaster |
See the link on the left, e.g. 8.
May the Source be with you!
donP |
Your link goes well only because you've set "Expand comments by default" in Cotonti configuration panel... Turn it off and you'll see that only the page with comments link will be shown, in every case, also with direct link.
I don't want to expand comments on my pages by default, I only want to reach and view that specific comment by anchor if I click the direct link as above (page.php?al=alias#comID). I use this feature in recentitems plugin... Another question: have you see that also pagination in comments has a wrong behaviour if you disable "expand comments by default"? If you click "next page" the page is shown without expanding comments and if you click the comments link the next comments (second page of comments) appear only for a fraction of second but immediatly first page of comments re-appears... in [color=#729FCF][b]BLUES[/b][/color] I trust
Trustmaster |
That's a true bug, thank you for the report. The ticket is to be closed by 0.6.3.
May the Source be with you!