xonefobic |
Is it possible to add a custom function or $t parse to a skin
In this case, I want the Edit and Put in Validation (among others) you have in page.tpl to be changed into pictures instead of text. Is this possible to change the parse, or should I use Xtemplate's IF-THEN-ELSE instead? to avoid the standard parse completely? Regards Added 38 minutes later: <!-- IF {PAGE_ADMIN_EDIT} != "" --> <a href="page.php?m=edit&id={PAGE_ID}&r=list"><img src="skins/{PHP.skin}/img/system/icon-edit.png" title="{PHP.L.Edit}" /></a> <!-- ENDIF --> Added 1 hour 16 minutes later: And thanks too Kilandor's help <!-- BEGIN: PAGE_ADMIN --> <!-- IF {PHP.pag.page_state} == 1 --> <a href="admin.php?m=page&s=queue&a=validate&id={PHP.pag.page_id}&x={PHP.sys.xk}"><img src="skins/{PHP.skin}/img/system/icon_validate.gif" title="{PHP.L.Validate}" /></a> <!-- ELSE --> <a href="admin.php?m=page&s=queue&a=unvalidate&id={PHP.pag.page_id}&x={PHP.sys.xk}"><img src="skins/{PHP.skin}/img/system/icon_unvalidate.gif" title="{PHP.L.Putinvalidationqueue}" /></a> <!-- ENDIF --> ({PAGE_ADMIN_COUNT}) <!-- END: PAGE_ADMIN --> |
This post was edited by xonefobic (2009-08-28 01:42, 15 years ago) |