Forums / Cotonti / Support / Pagenav in list.tpl

#1 2009-07-17 04:42
The following strings dont work in list.tpl and page.tpl

			<td class="paging_left">{LIST_TOP_PAGEPREV}</td>
			<td class="paging_center">{LIST_TOP_PAGINATION}</td>
			<td class="paging_right">{LIST_TOP_PAGENEXT}</td>

After, I have installed the plugin CatNav (Category navigation ) but this show the page with error.
I want to make CatNav on the left and the list of file on the right or at center.

Added 12 hours 15 minutes later:

nothing ???
This post was edited by SparrozzoIT (2009-07-17 17:02, 14 years ago)
#2 2009-07-17 17:18
On the left you say? It seems to me that the left menubar is the part of header. It that's so, you've got to change the template in such a way that the part of left menu goes to list.tpl or page.tpl. The Catnav tag must be placed there.

Or change plugin hook, but I'm pretty sure it won't work that way >_>

The easiest thing would be creating right menu.
#3 2009-07-17 18:49
tnx tensh...I try today.
#4 2009-07-17 19:28
No problem :)

But remember that when you cut header to make left menu be included in page body, you've got to change nearly all templates... to avoid it, use custom header feature.

Find in config.php:

$cfg['enablecustomhf'] = FALSE;		// To enable header.$location.tpl and footer.$location.tpl

Set it to "TRUE", and follow the little instructions :) create header.(your group location).tpl for all your categories. I think (but I'm not sure) it will extend to pages as well.

This way custom header + list and custom header + page will complete nicely.
#5 2009-07-17 22:43
tnx again tensh. I work on your example.
