Trustmaster |
Try it without gzip:
/* ======== Gzip and output filtering ======== */
ob_start('sed_outputfilters'); May the Source be with you!
Ross |
It works now - no blank page and I was able to register. Thank you, guys. You all rock! |
foxhound |
I am stuck with kind of the same since updating to Genoa 0.6.2
My whole site works however it will just not show the homepage. Nothing except the header with the navbar and than the footer. Nothing in between. I have replaced all core files. I have replaced all plugins. I have replaced all sed_light skin files. I have replaced the config.php with the sample file. I have commented that error log thingy but it shows no errors at all. I guess its time to seek help. I can acces the forums, the download section, search, adminqv everything. Just not homepage. Here is how it looks: ![]() [edit] The picture above is of the default cotonti skin. It has the same result with our skin we use. And here is how the homepage should look: <img src="" alt="green-sea-battalion-uniforms-version-03-" />
Trustmaster |
You have missed the first step from here:
Updating from 0.6.1: May the Source be with you!
SunChase |
try turning off the news plugin
[url=]KA13[/url] - The essence of creativity
foxhound |
# Trustmaster : You have missed the first step from here: There was nothing there when I updated as I did manually add the folders and were not even on my test site, but I even checked that just to be sure. Folder was empty. Immediatly after applying 0.6.1 I applied 0.6.2 (according th readme) Anyway, people here always seem to doubt my updating skills so I reverted back to an earlier DB version (0.0.5) and did all the patching up to 0.6.2 again.........same result. My homepage is still empty. All white, nothing there except header, nav bar and footer. Forums, search etc all work, just not the homepage. To revert back to 0.0.5 (for the DB) would I have to even put back the 0.0.5 core files? Put the DB back, update the DB and corefiles step by step again? My maintenance mode is on while doing the patching. Could that cause the issues? # SunChase : try turning off the news plugin Not only did I replace all plugin files I also disabled them all, same result, the homepage stays empty. <img src="" alt="green-sea-battalion-uniforms-version-03-" />
Trustmaster |
Check if datas/cache and its subfolders has chmod 777. If it doesn't help, try disabling $cfg['xtpl_cache'] in datas/config.php
May the Source be with you!
foxhound |
After many hours of repatching/updating and every time with the same result I finally found the file causing this. It is none of the above.
If you have a plugin in your plugins folder called "index" (T3 File Indexor) by Chris T even if it is not installed will cause your homepage to not show. Rename it or just remove it from your plugins folder and your homepage will show. <img src="" alt="green-sea-battalion-uniforms-version-03-" />
Lombi |
Yeah, sorry noone mentioned it sooner but first step in an defected upgrade once you've gone over the upgrade steps 20 times and you're sure you didnt miss it (unfortunately it has happened that even after 20 tries certain people still didnt read all of the steps) ... then the correct thing is to uninstall all hooking plugins.
By all hooking plugins I mean plugins that hook to the specific problem area (like index.tags which you probably had now), then reinstall them one by one until you find the little bugger. I wasnt aware that t3 indexer actually had an index hook (heck, it's a directory-file-shower). Good to know. We should definately have a plugins-not-totally-working-on-a-better-cms section ![]() <a href="">Surreal Art</a>
foxhound |
Just make sure it is clear with uninstall a complete folder removal is meant. Uninstalling the plugin from the admin panel only is not enough (it was not installed on my test site at all).
<img src="" alt="green-sea-battalion-uniforms-version-03-" />
Ross |
Hello everybody. I cancelled all the old Cotonti 0.0.6 from my personal web site and installed Cotonti 0.6.5
The problem is, I get the admin page BLANK! I tried all the solution you gave me in this thread in the past - however it was another server that time. Nothing works! I also tried to copy again the admin folder in the sed-light skin - no success. I also tried to install another skin - it worked but again admin page was blank also in it. How can I fix that? thanks |
HarryRag |
I had something the same with the "Homepage" plugin and the index not showing up, in the plugin files was the location of the .tpl file written in it /plugins/homepage/tpl (or some like that), by changing that to the correct new place /skins/youskin/plugins fixed the problem for me.
After that the normal index showed up again. [center][url=<a href="">]True</a> & Honest Gamers[/url][/center]
Ross |
Thank you,HarryRag.
I fixed it - or rather, Kort helped me to fix it up! THANK YOU, Kort. He understood that my server cannot connect to and that caused a problem with the QuickAdminView Plugin. In config.php I had the variable TRUE here: $cfg['check_updates'] = FALSE; // Automatically check for updates, set it TRUE to enable For my server it must be FALSE less part of Admin doesn't work and gives a blank page. I do want to say thank you to Kort and just write here our solution in case somebody else has the same problem in the future. |