Forums / Cotonti / Support / Skins bound on USER group?

#1 2009-07-13 18:41
I would like to know if it's possible to bound a template to a user group. I want the Donators on my site to have access to templates without Add's and Banners.

Is there a way to do this?
#2 2009-07-15 18:05
I have used Banner Rocket Light by Jonny Mattila "Deviosia" for that you aim to do. Worked fine on my SED installation, but i noticed that unfortunately it does not work with Cotonti.
Il check and test some more tonight as i continue an upgrade on one of my sites will see if I get it to work, but I think unfortunately i think it is a too advanced plug for me to update.
#3 2009-07-15 18:35
You can also use template logic blocks I think...

<!-- IF {PHP.usr.profile.user_maingrp} < "4" -->
<!-- ENDIF -->

Check the user group IDs just in case. Also, in case it doesn't work in X-Template 2.0, write group id without " ".
#4 2009-07-15 21:18
# tensh : You can also use template logic blocks I think...

<!-- IF {PHP.usr.profile.user_maingrp} < "4" -->
<!-- ENDIF -->

Check the user group IDs just in case. Also, in case it doesn't work in X-Template 2.0, write group id without " ".
Could you please explain a bit more? As i really have no PHP skills what so ever, IF possible send me a PM, I'm willing to send you some $$$$ if you can come up with a nice solution / plugin?