Admin panel wrong links
Macik |
admin.php?m=rightsbyitem&ic=page&io=news (or any other config page for setting up group rights for page structure item) In Header of the page we can see link like this: Admin-panael / RIGHTS / PAGES : NEWS But internal (actual) link is wrong and points to: admin.php?m=rightsbyitem&ic=%24ic&io=%24io The Error I guess in line 97 of $adminpath[] = array(sed_url('admin', 'm=rightsbyitem&ic=$ic&io=$io'), $L['Rights']." / ".$L['adm_code'][$ic].$title); Should be: $adminpath[] = array(sed_url('admin', 'm=rightsbyitem&ic='.$ic.'&io='.$io), $L['Rights']." / ".$L['adm_code'][$ic].$title);
правильный хостинг — |
Dayver |
what version cotonti?
Pavlo Tkachenko aka Dayver
Trustmaster |
It is already fixed in trunk. But thanks for the report.
May the Source be with you!