Lombi |
Site is fine to guests?
<a href="http://www.domenlo.com">Surreal Art</a>
minoation |
No can you try?
Lombi |
<a href="http://www.domenlo.com">Surreal Art</a>
minoation |
Ok. Now I just have to find a way to get it correct on my login.But how?
This post was edited by minoation (2009-07-03 03:32, 15 years ago) |
Lombi |
Well if you want to have problems solved yo need to start explaining them in more detail.
Like for example what's currently the issue? You lost your password? <a href="http://www.domenlo.com">Surreal Art</a>
minoation |
No.I logged into my account on my website and it says:PHP Error Message
Warning: include_once(./plugins/moderation/moderation.global.php) [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/a4675564/public_html/system/common.php on line 533 Free Web Hosting PHP Error Message Warning: include_once() [function.include]: Failed opening './plugins/moderation/moderation.global.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/a4675564/public_html/system/common.php on line 533.And then I upload it and it says:Fatal error : SQL error : Table 'a4675564_lottc.sed_moderation' doesn't exist.But I do not have that table that the sql says does not exist.So I just want to get rid of it so I can get back to what I was doing.Administrating.But I do not know how. Awesome!
Lombi |
But I do not have that table that the sql says does not exist Dude! For real? Options at this point: - uninstall plugin - put sql file in there like i told you several hours ago <a href="http://www.domenlo.com">Surreal Art</a>
minoation |
Or I could cancel the website and create the same thing(only a different address)and then everything will be OK.Sound like a good plan?
pieter |
Starting over is not the best way to eliminate errors. Try to solve them. You will learn a lot with it.
... can we help you ...
Lombi |
You might also want to try http://www.000webhost.com/website-builder
Since I seriously doubt you: 1.) actually watched the video tutorials 2.) actually read the instructions for both plugins Here's part of my post again: - uninstall plugin - put sql file in there like i told you several hours ago Any of the two options will work. <a href="http://www.domenlo.com">Surreal Art</a>
minoation |
I did watch the tutorial.In the tutorial I did not see the table when you uploaded the files.How do you uninstall the plugin?If you just delete it then I will be at the same problem.
pieter |
Easiest way:
reupload, install SQL and then click uninstall in admin zone, delete files. Or try: http://www.neocrome.net/page.php?id=2272 I never tried it myself. -------------------------------------- A common problem you can run into while coding your own plugin or altering one is deleting the files before you uninstall it through the administration panel. This leads to multiple errors and quite a sticky mess! Below you will learn how to solve the problem. Removing plugin database information: You'll need to remove the plugin's information from the database. This is due to the Seditio's hooking system, since it grabs the information from the database and uses it to link the files. To accomplish this task, go to your SQL editor ( most likely phpmyadmin ): Click the "SQL" tab at the top. Then copy and paste this sql query: Code: DELETE FROM sed_plugins WHERE pl_code='YOUR-PLUGIN-CODE-HERE'; DELETE FROM sed_auth WHERE auth_code='plug' AND auth_option='YOUR-PLUGIN-CODE-HERE'; DELETE FROM sed_config WHERE config_owner='plug' AND config_cat='YOUR-PLUGIN-CODE-HERE'; Note: Though, make sure you use the right table prefix! Not everyone uses "sed_" as their table prefix. Also make sure to replace "YOUR-PLUGIN-CODE-HERE" with the plugin code. If you are unsure of the plugin's code, refer to the plugin's files. Clearing internal cache: Now that you have successfully removed the plugins information from the database, make sure to truncate your internal cache! To do this: Go to Adminstation -> Other -> Internal cache Then click "Purge All" And you're finished! ... can we help you ...
minoation |
Lombi,pieter,you have been a great help.I'm sorry i made you have to go through all this trouble just to get a website running.But pieter about the reupload thing.What do you reupload?
pieter |
Same like you do the first time.
upload all plugin files AND add sql in database. Then all will work without error. If you want to deinstall. Click deinstall. cleanest way is the whole text I gave. ... can we help you ...
This post was edited by pieter (2009-07-03 04:28, 15 years ago) |
minoation |
Ok Iam going to upload all the cotonti files again.Lombi I tried to replace the banner with my custom image.What do I name it?I named it SED-dark_LCP logo airbrushed.gif.