Forums / Cotonti / Extensions / E-Card V1

#1 2009-06-25 06:09
So after the time where nobody answer me. i try to write the E-Card Plugin myself.
No the first part is done.

What the Plugin do:
A User can choose a Card. Then he add the Name and Email Adress of the person which have to got the card. Then the own name and mail addy.
Now the User can type a Message and Preview the Card. After this he can send it!

The Recipient got a mail with a link when he click on the link he see the E-Card from the sender.

The First Part here:See E-Cards Plugin

The next todos are a admin script to manage old viewed Cards and perhabs a option to set a card public so that all people can read it ;)

So at first im so sorry for my bad english but ive not sleep for two days and at the time i got a little bit ill ;)

The Second: If Any one is interested in that plugin he can write it here. I Can upload the first Version when i change some pics and make a using tut. uts not the prob but not good enough in the moment ;)
[url=][/url] - The Freakstyle Community<br />
[url=]adelmann-solutions, webdesign Freiburg[/url]
#2 2009-06-25 06:14
That's wonderful.

Can we add feature requests?
<a href="">Surreal Art</a>
#3 2009-06-26 00:47
Sure sure ;)
[url=][/url] - The Freakstyle Community<br />
[url=]adelmann-solutions, webdesign Freiburg[/url]
#4 2009-06-28 06:50
cool, nice plugin
#5 2009-06-28 20:26
The Next what i have to do is a admin part for it.
The Admin part have to do:
  • Upload Pics and rename it for the plugin
  • Show a Statistic which motiv is shown how much
  • Delete old readn cards after two weeks or after manually command

  • Thats what i have to do. If anyone have an idea to add something can write it me here please ;)

    When i finished the Admin Part i will add it here :)
    But at this time i think it would be take one or two weeks because i apply for a job and drive over 160 km a day. ;)
    [url=][/url] - The Freakstyle Community<br />
    [url=]adelmann-solutions, webdesign Freiburg[/url]
    #6 2009-06-28 23:00
    You could compare it to the featureset of this bit:
    <a href="">Surreal Art</a>