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#1 2009-06-22 06:02
alright well I have it planned out (not sure if it will work or not) but I want to make a Flash Game section in the admin pannel exactly like the Pages thing the only difference is that it will use different .tpl files.

So I was going to just basically copy all the pages things in the core and just rename all them to flash game and then edit it to make it show in the menu pannel in administration. Show I went to edit it and I got a tag like ($rgroup) and I don't know how to edit this so it uses the .tpl that i want

sry if its hard to understand.

Am I Crazy? Do you think it would Work?
#2 2009-06-22 07:49
ummmm, why dont you just make a new page category in the Admin Panel?
#3 2009-06-22 07:54
You're really overcomplicating things.

Make another category, like "whatever".

Once that's done, make a duplicate based on page.tpl called page.whatever.tpl

Modify all you like. Got three websites with over 9300 flash games that work this way.

Btw would anyone be interested in buying a out-of-the-box 9300 game cotonti website?

Just checking :)
<a href="">Surreal Art</a>
#4 2009-06-22 08:41
yeah but how do I set it to use

do you set it by using the template thing, or does the code: name tell it to use

because when I made page.flash games.tpl and added a new category using the code: flash games it was using the default page.tpl

Edit: wait why would i go page.flash games.tpl should I go list.flash games.tpl since that is what it uses when you make a new category and pages.
This post was edited by duck101 (2009-06-22 08:53, 15 years ago)
#5 2009-06-22 18:25
Please read some documentation on skinning and using skin files.

First off you cannot make category codes with spaces. In any CMS.

So if you made flash_games as the code it should be fine.
<a href="">Surreal Art</a>
#6 2009-06-23 00:02
alright I'll figure it out. :-)

I sure your getting sick of me and this is a little off topic but I get this error pretty frequently

2009-06-22 08:59
Fatal error : SQL error : Server shutdown in progress
#7 2009-06-23 00:16
... can we help you ...
#8 2009-06-23 00:48
googled it doesn't sound good. I haven't messed w/ any of the tables or anything.

I sure hope there not going to shut down the server. I guess Ill have to be prepared and keep an extra copy of my site.
#9 2009-06-23 01:32
That's not connected to anything you did. It's just that your MySQL server is being restarted at the time you're accessing it.

Send an email to your host and ask them what's up.
<a href="">Surreal Art</a>
#10 2009-06-23 02:23
I sent them a message. they responded quickly with saying that if someone else is accessing your site while your logging in and stuff like that it can cause this error. he/she recommended if I have any contact things which I do, that mabey if I got rid of them it might help.
#11 2009-06-23 02:28
hahaha. I'm sorry but ... move hosts as fast as humaly possible :-D
<a href="">Surreal Art</a>
#12 2009-06-23 02:46
hey I just got done watching your videos again to see if I could figure how to make a new page that isn't default. And anyways I was thinking, mabey in your adding pages video if you could mention what the template settings does. but then again you would have to redo the whole entire video.
This post was edited by duck101 (2009-06-23 02:58, 15 years ago)
#13 2009-06-23 04:39
mabey in your adding pages video if you could mention what the template settings does

I'm sorry but after two minutes I still fail to understand what you mean. What template settings?
<a href="">Surreal Art</a>
#14 2009-06-23 05:28
Admin Pannel/Pages/Structure

pick any category you want and to the right click where it says options
then towards the bottom it says template mode