Forums / Cotonti / Support / Forums- Cant Delete, lock topic

#1 2009-05-25 21:38
anyone can help me with topics? i cant delete forum topics or lock it :-s pls help
[b]I give you stuffs... and my stuffs i give you![/b] :D
#2 2009-05-25 22:35
Are you admin?

If you are admin, you should see:
Topic options : Bump Lock Sticky Announcement Private (#) Default Public / General discussionPublic / Off-topic Ghost Delete:[x]

You need to click on the X.

Are you userID 1?
If not, maybe you don't have admin rights in that part of the forum. Check your rights.
... can we help you ...
#3 2009-05-25 23:20
If you are doing what pieter said, also try deleting your cache
#4 2009-05-26 09:57
im the admin sir i see that X button delete,bump,announcement,etc, and i try deleting the cache and still nothing :-??
[b]I give you stuffs... and my stuffs i give you![/b] :D