Forums / Cotonti / Extensions / Ping

how do I setup the ping plugin

#1 2009-05-20 04:15
I am trying to setup ping plugin. I have installed plugin and created account at ping.fe but where do I cite the tags given?
#2 2009-05-20 21:38
Tags available are:
{PINGFM_POST_METHOD} - Status/Blog/Mini-Blog
{PINGFM_POST_SERVICES_NAMES} - services as text
{PINGFM_POST_SERVICES_ICONS} - services as icons
{PINGFM_POST_SERVICES_FULL} - services as icons and text
{PINGFM_POST_TITLE} - for blogs only

These are for index.tpl
You can find these info in the php files.
Here: See pingfm.index.php
	'PINGFM_POST_METHOD' => strtoupper($post['method'][0]) . substr($post['method'], 1, -1),
	'PINGFM_POST_DATE' => @date($cfg['dateformat'], $post['date']['unix'] + $usr['timezone'] * 3600)." ".$usr['timetext'],
	'PINGFM_POST_SERVICES_NAMES' => implode($cfg['plugin']['pingfm']['delim'], $srv_names),
	'PINGFM_POST_SERVICES_ICONS' => implode($cfg['plugin']['pingfm']['delim'], $srv_icons),
	'PINGFM_POST_SERVICES_FULL' => implode($cfg['plugin']['pingfm']['delim'], $srv_full),
	'PINGFM_POST_TITLE' => $post['title'],
	'PINGFM_POST_BODY' => empty($cfg['plugin']['pingfm']['username']) ? $post['body'] : $cfg['plugin']['pingfm']['username'] . ' ' . $post['body']
... can we help you ...
#3 2009-05-20 23:27
Actually, in index.tpl you just insert {PLUGIN_PINGFM}. And all those tags are for plugins/pingfm/tpl/pingfm.tpl.
May the Source be with you!
#4 2009-05-21 09:49
Ok, thanks, it looks like its working but I am getting some extra output:


* [] (skins/sed-light/pingfm.tpl) does not exist

* parse: blockname [PINGFM.PINGFM_POST] does not exist

* parse: blockname [PINGFM.PINGFM_STATUS] does not exist

* parse: blockname [PINGFM] does not exist

Then below this is the ping link which does bring me to the correct page. But what is this extra output?[/]
#5 2009-05-21 11:54
Try copying plugins/pingfm/tpl/pingfm.tpl to skins/sed-light/pingfm.tpl and see if it disappears
May the Source be with you!
#6 2009-05-21 21:45
Ok now it works. Thank You. Seeing how it only works for admin is there a more descrete place I can place the tags so Only I seee it?
#7 2009-05-21 21:47
Why would you need this plugin if you don't want to show your blog/status posts to anyone else?
May the Source be with you!
#8 2009-05-21 21:57
Right. You can post much more easily via your chat client or via email.
<a href="">Surreal Art</a>
#9 2009-05-21 23:13
Thank you. Basicly I would like to keep it on the administration page under tools - but then again I could make it available to only a specific group to show on index.php if I wanted to?

Thank you

Is it also possible to duplicate the plugin by changing its name to have multiple ping strings for different blogs?
This post was edited by blackcitys (2009-05-21 23:17, 15 years ago)
#10 2009-05-21 23:51
With a little bit of hacking you can do both.

The first one is incredibly simple really, just do an if usergroup=whatever then parse, otherwise dont

The other bit is more "difficult" since you'd have to make each part of the plugin unique so to not fight with each other.
<a href="">Surreal Art</a>
#11 2009-05-22 00:37
You need to set permissions for this plugin, go to admin.php?m=rightsbyitem&ic=plug&io=pingfm and remove all the permissions from any groups except for those you want to see it.

Multiple plugin instances are not available out of the box, though you could try renaming the plugin and all the codes within it. But if you just need multiple blogs, why not add them to the same account? If you really need multiple accounts, then you have to perform this annoying find&replace operation to make the same plugin with a different name. I could also make a multi-user version of it, so that your users could concentrate their pings on your site, but there has been no such a request so far.
May the Source be with you!