Forums / Cotonti / Support / turn off - autoedit / auto edit

#1 2009-05-17 16:45
hey there,

i'm trying to turn off the autoedit feature (the one that edits the last post instead of adding a new one to the thread if the author is the same). i'm quite sure it's trivial but searching for terms like autoedit at this site didn't bring up any results. any help is appreciated. thanks in advance.
#2 2009-05-17 18:16
It's a feature named antibump, but apparently it's not located in admin/config/forums...

In russian forum I found there is also a configuration value mergeforumposts, but it's nowhere to be found.

Update: It seems antibump was removed in v0.0.2.
#3 2009-05-17 19:40
Antibump/automerge control is coming back in 0.0.5. The updates are already available via SVN.
May the Source be with you!
#4 2009-05-18 04:04
thanks for the fast response. i'll wait until 0.0.5 is out then.


# Trustmaster : Antibump/automerge control is coming back in 0.0.5. The updates are already available via SVN.

Hmm. I did update my Cotonti installation a few minutes ago. Still ... I can't find the autobump switch in the admin panel. Where should I look for it?


Well ... it's turned off per default in 0.0.5. This works for me ... but still. Is there a switch somewhere?
This post was edited by anotherfruit (2009-06-01 23:33, 15 years ago)
#5 2009-06-02 12:10
Make sure you have applied sql/patch-0.0.4-0.0.5.sql. Then the config is in Administration => Configuration => Forums.
May the Source be with you!
#6 2009-06-14 00:12
I updated our test site to 0.0.5 and now its there 2x

Anti-bump protection : Yes No
Will prevent users from posting twice in a row in the same topic [R]
Anti-bump protection : Yes No
Will prevent users from posting twice in a row in the same topic [R]
Post merge feature : Yes No
Will merge user's posts if they are sent consecutively, anti-bump must be off [R]
Post merge feature : Yes No
Will merge user's posts if they are sent consecutively, anti-bump must be off
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