Forums / Cotonti / Support / Recent Additions

#1 2009-05-12 23:52
Is it possible to remove the News section out of the recent additions,as i have about 41 category and i dont want the news to be on the list of recently submitted,


2009-05-10 Social Networking Tweetie
2009-05-10 Updates Chobblr Steps
2009-05-09 Updates Profile View
2009-05-09 Updates Few Updates
2009-05-09 Social Networking Twitterific

Note: in this case news got changed to "Updates" as news was needed by another cat, what i would like is for all the "Updates" to be hidden from the list,

and another question is, on the page.php is it possible to see how many page's there is, because on the list.php it shows and i would like it on the page.php as well
#2 2009-05-12 23:59
You can but you need to hack the plugin.
<a href="">Surreal Art</a>
#3 2009-05-13 00:23
is that a big thing to do ?
#4 2009-05-13 01:40
Guess that really depends on your skills. I wont go into actual code here but just open up the plug and find the SQL line that requests everything (select xxx from yyy where zzz).

Basically you add an extra thingie to the where bit, so you would replace



where page_cat!='news' AND

Try it.
<a href="">Surreal Art</a>
#5 2009-05-13 02:48
thank you so much, its done,

Edit: @lombi i was going to PM you this question
"Is it possible to donate, ? (money) as you and the rest have the team have helped so much as well as bring a nicer CMS :)"

but i got a note about spam, how nice
This post was edited by chobblr (2009-05-13 02:52, 15 years ago)
#6 2009-05-13 05:17
My inbox is blocked, due to about 10-50 private messages asking for support daily, even after specifically asking everyone to use the forums for support issues.

It's unblocked at donator level.
<a href="">Surreal Art</a>