Forums / Cotonti / Support / Have 2 galleries?

#1 2009-04-24 23:02
Is it possible to have 2 galleries showing different galleries?


Gallery 3.0 shows images from meets


Usergal shows images the members have created of their cars

Or some other solution? Anyone got some ideas? A flash gallery i can just add on a normal page, is that possible?

Because right now we add all the images from meets on a normal page and that takes ages when there is over 300 images :-(
#2 2009-04-24 23:52
I'd like to know this to..

it comes in rather handy to be able to split these kind of things..
#3 2009-04-25 01:43
Could use this:

If anyone knows of a gallery that can be used and is simple enough...

Could just use php includes if its a gallery that supports it
#4 2009-04-25 17:13
cant you just create seperate catgories? then link to them

i cant show u on those galleries, but i can show u using mine, like

has the categories
if i want to link to "members" i just link to the category, make a button for members href=

then i make a new category cars, upload some pics, then create a button in my links and link it directly to the category cars

just like pages, all the pages are in directories.
#5 2009-04-25 19:22
where can we download this gallery? Is it public, or is it private?
... can we help you ...
#6 2009-04-26 04:28
It's private. Contact elgan via PM for the pricing.

I'm using the plugin on a couple of sites and it's amazing.
<a href="">Surreal Art</a>