gamer24.7 |
Ever time i visit my ste i get this error:
2009-04-14 03:31 Fatal error : SQL error : Out of memory (Needed 1677564 bytes) It's not working on my laptop either. How do i fix it? [b][color=#000000]Click [/color][url=][color=#EF2929][u]Here[/u][/color][/url] [color=#F57900]For All You Design [/color][color=#756745]Related Needs.[/color][/b]
pieter |
Get a good host.
I guess it is not Cotonti, but your host. Still a free host? ... can we help you ...
gamer24.7 |
Yes, i am only a child so i can't pay YET.
[b][color=#000000]Click [/color][url=][color=#EF2929][u]Here[/u][/color][/url] [color=#F57900]For All You Design [/color][color=#756745]Related Needs.[/color][/b]
Lombi |
You could get your parents to give you allowance for hosting, I'm sure one of them has a visa.
Alternatively dreamhost allows you to get donations towards hosting - which in short means that your site users could help you pay for hosting. <a href="">Surreal Art</a>
Joy |
...It could be the host....(well duh...its a Free host)
but....i think its also that maybe you use lots of memory....if you have lots of stuff on "My Files" And reduce the Memory of some Ranks....that might help |
Lombi |
It does not. Overblown mysql useage might. But a 1.6MB cap on memory is retarded even for a free host.
//edit: not might, that's the case. you have a sql query that's too complex for your mysql. Reduce the number of plugins. Or upgrade. <a href="">Surreal Art</a>
gamer24.7 |
You mean remove some of the plgins i currently have?
[b][color=#000000]Click [/color][url=][color=#EF2929][u]Here[/u][/color][/url] [color=#F57900]For All You Design [/color][color=#756745]Related Needs.[/color][/b]
Joy |
yep, only the worthles one
gamer24.7 |
Yeh i done that and also i changed the URL: [b][color=#000000]Click [/color][url=][color=#EF2929][u]Here[/u][/color][/url] [color=#F57900]For All You Design [/color][color=#756745]Related Needs.[/color][/b]
TwistedGA |
Why not host the site on your machine? Unlimited space.
![]() [color=#CC0000]Lazymod[/color] [color=#000000]Studios[/color]
gamer24.7 |
# TwistedGA : Why not host the site on your machine? Unlimited space. How do i do that? [b][color=#000000]Click [/color][url=][color=#EF2929][u]Here[/u][/color][/url] [color=#F57900]For All You Design [/color][color=#756745]Related Needs.[/color][/b]
TwistedGA |
Apache, PHP, and MySQL. You'll also need phpMyAdmin to control SQL data.
If you have MSN, I'd be more than willing to help you make the move to hosting your own servers, however I think trying to do it over the message boards would take far too much trouble. If your websites start pulling in enough visitors, depending on your internet provider, you may encounter addition fee's for being a "host" through them, which typically takes a lot of traffic + multiple downloads. A few things to keep in mind about hosting your own server is security and speeds. Your website will only load as fast as you can upload. So if you have a very slow upload speed, users may find your sites load time aggrivating and simply not return again. Security issues are easier to solve and I can assist in this aswell. [color=#CC0000]Lazymod[/color] [color=#000000]Studios[/color]