Forums / Unrelated / Offtopic / Just testing

#1 2009-04-12 15:24
It's been a long time since I use the old "you know what" cms so I just testing the forum . It's use to have a bug that cause the type box to expand and expand o_O. Nice site btw, it's was refresh from the old sed which the was almost not receive update for couple year. It's good that there are more ppl would be involve now compare to the days when it was dead-as-duck during 06-08 ~_~, and I mean necrome site ^^. It was doing great during the 04-05 era but after that :(, not really great.
#2 2009-04-22 01:07
Yeah and?
Believe me this site is doing very good.
Lots of people have Cotonti Sites. And We will get more Members here...
And This Site is Vry active too!..