Forums / Cotonti / Support / News posting

Category code of the parent category :

#1 2009-04-11 06:15
Category code of the parent category : News

So how can i add a second category to show extra news on the frontpage? I think it's a bit dull you can only set 1 main category and have to post everything into different sub categories to show them on the front page.
#2 2009-04-11 06:44
you mean like this?
#3 2009-04-11 07:05
Well if you could take a look here

you will see the morris hardware mods show's in the Recent additions: but doesn't show as a full news post on the frontpage (only posts made under the News + sub news categories show as full news posts

Hope you see what I'm trying to tell.

Hello? Anybody?
This post was edited by KillerSneak (2009-04-15 17:04, 15 years ago)
#4 2009-04-15 17:18
I believe you have to configure news plugin in adminpanel and add one more category, in your case morris hardware mods, into Category code of the parent category.

Right now, it probably only has "news" typed in.
#5 2009-04-15 23:37
Yes but it only allowed 1 main category thats the whole problem
#6 2009-04-16 04:55
can't you use comma for more categories.. like "news,morrismods"..
#7 2009-04-16 05:06
# musiconly : can't you use comma for more categories.. like "news,morrismods"..

thats not allowed in the system to do that! if you do NO news will be shown
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#8 2009-04-21 18:32
# rayblo : thats not allowed in the system to do that! if you do NO news will be shown
idd ja, But is there an plugin / solution to make the CMS work with more than 1 Main Categorie? As i still think it's a bit strange you can have 1 Main Categorie with 200 subcats, but can't add a Second main Categorie to keep things clean and neat.
#9 2009-04-21 19:28
Well you could just hack your news plugin to allow that, simple edit in the SQL call.

You could even have it take from all categories.
<a href="">Surreal Art</a>
#10 2009-05-06 08:38
Could be nice if you could show me valid code, as i don't want to mess with original files to much. Taking it from all categories would be appreciated.