gamer24.7 |
Is there a user gallery and a affiliates plugin for cotonti?
[b][color=#000000]Click [/color][url=][color=#EF2929][u]Here[/u][/color][/url] [color=#F57900]For All You Design [/color][color=#756745]Related Needs.[/color][/b]
pieter |
yes, see forums for the gallery.
Affiliates: see seditio-version ... can we help you ...
gamer24.7 |
Does the seditio one work?
[b][color=#000000]Click [/color][url=][color=#EF2929][u]Here[/u][/color][/url] [color=#F57900]For All You Design [/color][color=#756745]Related Needs.[/color][/b]
pieter |
Most of the plugins work, but you need tot test.
... can we help you ...