Forums / Cotonti / Support / PFS was working, not working anymore

#1 2009-03-16 18:34
The PFS was working fine and now its not working.

When i or my users upload something the screen just goes all white, whats wrong?
#2 2009-03-16 19:51
Had this issue since LDU times. This is something we inherited and havent completely cleaned up yet.

Have a site with this issue right now as well, would be interesting to see if anyone has any idea.

Personally I truncated the PFS table and the problem was still there.
<a href="">Surreal Art</a>
#3 2009-03-16 21:07
DemptD, please tell: what version of Cotonti appears this error?

if you don't mind, please send to me the SQL-dumps of erroneous tables `sed_pfs` and `sed_pfs_folders`
#4 2009-03-16 21:29
# dervan : DemptD, please tell: what version of Cotonti appears this error?

if you don't mind, please send to me the SQL-dumps of erroneous tables `sed_pfs` and `sed_pfs_folders`

Cotonti 0.0.3

I have sent you the SQL dumps on PM

Also im using "folder storage mode" if that has something to say, but weird that it was working since the start and not anymore...
#5 2009-03-16 21:46
# DemptD : I have sent you the SQL dumps on PM
thanks, i will attempt to understand the cause of this problem
#6 2009-03-16 22:03
# dervan : thanks, i will attempt to understand the cause of this problem

Thank you :-)
#7 2009-03-17 08:00
DemptD, i did not repeat the error with your SQL-dumps

erroneous entries (with invalid `pfs_size` or `pfs_date`) not exists in `sed_pfs` SQL-dump

see this row with SFS entry in dump:
INSERT INTO `sed_pfs` VALUES (99, 0, 1237203089, '21052008287_0.jpg', 'jpg', 0, '', 388033, 0);
this row is valid, and link is true

but, may be cause of error is not properly working of SFS
please attempt to delete this file 21052008287_0.jpg from SFS
#8 2009-03-17 21:59
OK, i reinstalled the whole PFS (Deleted old sql and installed new sql from .rar).

There must be something wrong with one of my users images, because when i try to upload those the screen goes blank, but other images works fine. The same when im logged in as his user.

Here are the images:

They uploaded fine on my uploader...
#9 2009-03-18 09:38
well, i understand

you try to upload JPEG file with EXIF metadata in header, but GD on your host not know this format

it's two way to solve this problem

before upload: convert files with EXIF metadata to JPEG format that compatible with GD on your host

disable all GD calls from PFS
Administration panel -> Configuration -> Personal file space -> File Check : No (not recommended, for security reasons)
Administration panel -> Configuration -> Personal file space -> Thumbnails generation : Disabled
#10 2009-04-10 05:02
Now this has happened again.

I have:

2a) Administration panel -> Configuration -> Personal file space -> File Check : No (not recommended, for security reasons


But if i disable:

Administration panel -> Configuration -> Personal file space -> Thumbnails generation : Disabled

Will there be no thumbnails? i need them in gallery and other places.


This is a host problem, contacted my host ( and they have disabled EXIF for security reasons.

Support chat:

Candy, support
Candy: Thank you for using 24/7 Interactive Online Support. How may I assist you?
you: when i upload a JPEG file with EXIF metadata in header my CMS script goes white and doesnt work. when i asked for support in the forums they said that my host dont know this format of GD... Can it be fixed?
Candy: Hi there
Candy: It is gd?
Candy: Can I have the link for that pgae?
you: yes
Candy: page*
Candy: And which cms is this?
you: cotonti
Candy: GD actually is installed on our server
you: yes, but they said that it didnt understand EXIF metadata
you: it only happens when someone upload a picture with exif metadata
Candy: right, EXIF is not supported with us
Candy: This is disabled for security reasons
you: ohh... why is exif a security hazard?
Candy: I am not exactly sure, however this is not possible to use with our servers
you: oh, thats not good
This post was edited by DemptD (2009-05-26 07:16, 15 years ago)