robofreak111 |
If you go to add somthing on to your post by using the textboxer after you post (when you have just posted but forgot something) and you hit the submit buton twice, then it duplicates your update.
see? ive only updated this once, yet it posts twice as ive hit the button twice see? ive only updated this once, yet it posts twice as ive hit the button twice |
This post was edited by robofreak111 (2009-03-16 08:53, 15 years ago) |
Brock |
I don't think this is a bug, as just pushing the button twice would obviously send two requests.
Web Design Database -
Kilandor |
Correct there is no bug. You click the button twice you send 2 requests
Moved to Archive |
This post was edited by Kilandor (2009-03-16 14:23, 15 years ago) |