Forums / Cotonti / Extensions / UserGallery 300c.0726


#31 2009-10-02 20:05
In usergal300d_final not work full size image scaling in opera 9.64-10, who know how fix?
#32 2009-10-04 06:56
# pieter : I tried it and it works HALF

Speed is to high.

sadly, indeed...
I have used this great plugin on my old sed site.
I switched to e107 because of problems; my users couldn't get used to e107, so now I want to switch to Contoti. This gallery will help out a lot, but the pics slide by at the speed of light, lol!
look here for an example of what I mean:

any suggestions?
the time is set to 5000, but still no slowing down...
#33 2009-10-04 13:41
you can try medialibrary.
... can we help you ...
This post was edited by pieter (2009-10-04 20:51, 15 years ago)
#34 2009-10-04 19:19
I have tried that gallery, but I'm not all convinced as much as I was with Usergal :(
I'm also not that good with scripting, so unfortunately I have no idea how to set the speed for the slideshow...
#35 2009-10-04 21:57
To use medialibrary I would xfer thousands of users pictures/photos/viedos from user/data/userID folders to new medialibrary folders (without considering also the necssary Cotonti pfs database re-setting)... it's very annoying and not so inegrted with the system...
I'm waiting for the new koradhil jsgallery with new pfs system... that would be THE solution, also for solving the last Cotonti weakness (poor PFS solution).
in [color=#729FCF][b]BLUES[/b][/color] I trust
