Forums / Cotonti / Extensions / [Release] Google Hit Monster - Gtrack

Keep track of how visitors are coming to your website.

#1 2009-02-16 20:30
Tracks your visitors coming from google. Adds perfect keywords to your page and forum. Plugin aims to increase your visitors while finding perfect keywords about your page content and add them on that page.

First of all, this plugin has nothing to do with trackbacks and have completely different goal. But I've built it using spartan's trackback function. It simply keeps track of your hits coming from google. Then collects keywords for pages and forums. If a required number of hit has been taken (which is I've chosen 3 for now) it shows on pages these keywords. Also it has a admin panel to keep an eye of your google hits easily and collectively.

It is always hard to find correct keywords (tags) about your article. Some people call this plugin as "hit monster". Because plugin aims to find perfect keywords about your page content and add them on that page. If your website is in second page of google search about a word, while adding that word to your page, your website will be listed topper.

When I test this plugin, it collected more than %98 of hits coming from google search. But as I have mostly hits, I couldn't test hits enough. But it should work with all of google domains. I've seen some queries cannot be tracked (sed_referers cannot track them as well) and shows like hits are coming from main page :-))

Key features of Gtrack

Tracking your visitors coming from google.
Add perfect keywords to your page and forum.
Doesn't require core hack (but requires a new database table)

What is absent/missing

Well, while this is first release it has simple features right now. For example I said it adds keywords to your page, but it doesn't add, it just makes a database query and shows them on page. If you remove content from database table (by the way it requires a new table), it will not show keywords as well. Because of this I think about adding keywords to tags table if there is enough hits to page from a specific keyword.


1. Execute GTRACK_SQL.sql file
2. Put the «gtrack» plugin into your «plugins» folder.
3. Go to Admin => Plugins => Gtrack and install the plugin.
4. Go to Admin => Configuration => gtrack and configure the plugin.
5. Configure inc/ for your own needs.
6. Add {FORUMS_POSTS_GTRACK} to your forums.posts.tpl.
7. Add {PAGES_GTRACK} to your page.tpl.


To track keywords are showing by the plugin, go to the plugin page (plug.php?e=gtrack). Please keep in mind that, plugin will only show sum of keywords, through the page/forum content, have more than 2 clicks.

Download: Gtrack 0.1
Ne hasta bekler sabahı, ne taze ölüyü mezar, ne de şeytan bir günahı, seni beklediğim kadar;<br /><br />
Geçti istemem gelmeni, yoklugunda buldum seni, bırak vehmimde gölgeni, gelme artık neye yarar...
This post was edited by m_ogz (2009-02-16 23:53, 15 years ago)
#2 2009-02-16 20:31
nice plug-in. good job m_ogz.
Add to cotonti plugins
"peace in the homeland, peace in the world" K.ATATÜRK

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#3 2009-02-16 20:33
<a href="">Surreal Art</a>
#4 2009-02-16 20:40
Thanks. I've already added it and waiting for validation.
Ne hasta bekler sabahı, ne taze ölüyü mezar, ne de şeytan bir günahı, seni beklediğim kadar;<br /><br />
Geçti istemem gelmeni, yoklugunda buldum seni, bırak vehmimde gölgeni, gelme artık neye yarar...
#5 2009-02-24 05:15
Are there recommended places to add the "{FORUMS_POSTS_GTRACK} and {PAGE_GTRACK}" or should they just be somewhere in the tpl files?
[center][url=<a href="">]True</a> &amp; Honest Gamers[/url][/center]
#6 2009-02-24 05:20
No, you can post it anywhere and get the same effect. I suggest below the content :)
<a href="">Surreal Art</a>