Forums / Cotonti / Core Labs / Archive / [REQ] structure_code limitation removal

#1 2008-08-04 18:33
I propose the first release of the seditio-n engine to have a patch removing the 16 character structure_code limit in:

- database
- hardcoded admin templates
- code
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#2 2008-08-15 18:05
LOL, this is yet another unpractical section in Sed.
Im talking about structure_path here, eg:

this could be completely hidden and replaced by a system with two columns in db_structure: id | parent
I think its nothing new for coders, but heres how it works:
Each entry has its own unique id and (optionally) the parent - that way you can build nested DB structure for unlimited category hierarchy. A simple recursive function is required to find all "childs" and its even easiest to find the "parent"
I got similar system up and running for a long time with almost 5000 items - its really fast, you can use AJAX drag & drop with ease to move items between categories and you dont have to worry about the "_path" thing.

Think about sites with more than 100 categories!!

PS. This is not a hurry-up improvement. Im putting it here for future reference - if needed :)
Perl - the only language that looks the same before and after RSA encryption.
#3 2008-08-15 20:10
Lombi, I will forget about this limitation if you don't submit a ticket to tracker.

Well 1.10.2 stays in Seditio for one reason: path rendering. In normal tree (with parent IDs) it would take you a few more calls to get a full path to the current node from root, in Seditio it doesn't take you anything. But yes, it's kinda obsolete and is more of a limitation rather than performance feature.
May the Source be with you!
#4 2008-08-16 10:03
Actually there are many size limits that are just plain stupid in seditio, plugin code/name/file etc, forum structure/code pages structure/code and more.

For example 1 site I use insanely long names but for a reason

They all look like this


There many annoying limitations liek hat that will be removed, there is no reason for them
#5 2008-08-16 18:44
Size/alias limitations now removed in trunk. Path thing is kept for later.
May the Source be with you!