trecky |
Just one more question over the remember me function on login. Ive noticed it doesn’t work on my site, if you tick the box it says welcome back and loggin you in etc but doesn’t.. I have created a test account if that helps. user = test pass = test so the site doesn’t ever remember you. Ive also set the config.php to true and false ..but at the moment ive got it get to … $cfg['sqldb'] = 'mysql'; $cfg['redirmode'] = FALSE; $cfg['ipcheck'] = FALSE; // Will kill the logged-in session if the IP has changed and Domain for cookies : multigamers Maximum cookie lifetime : 518400 Path for cookies : “blank” Any help would be great. Many thanks Kind regards ste |
Lombi |
your domain for cookies is wrong, that's the source of the problem
<a href="">Surreal Art</a>
Trustmaster |
You need to set
Domain for cookies: Path for cookies: / May the Source be with you!
Lombi |
and if you're planning to use the upcoming subdomain-based url structure in the future set it to:
Domain for cookies: (notice the dot) <a href="">Surreal Art</a>
trecky |
omg ..I thought I tried but obviously not hehe.
Thanks you for the ultra fast responses, really like Cotonti btw, You have all done such a top job :) thanks again ste |
musashi9 |
Hmm this has happened to me (I set the wrong domain) but now I am unable to log in to change the settings I need to change
Help pls |
Kilandor |
You will have to try logging in without checking remeber me, if that doesn't work the only way to fix it is by opening your mysqldb, sed_config, search config_name for "cookiedomain" and changing it there.