esclkm |
60-70 % of the skins change only header and footer tpl
Other template files we often dont use and they are default. My idea is: create special folder in system with templates. And insert here there all templates (but before config them more optional for most users. Why it is good: -We make admin area more "templatable" aтв without it old skins work not corruclty -We often delete default skin -More capability with old seditio skins. - мой маленький зарождающийся блог о котонти.
снижение стоимости программирования и снижение стоимости производства разные вещи. Первое можно скорее сравнить с раздачей работникам дешевых инструментов, чем со снижением зарплаты |
Kilandor |
By default if a template doesn't exist say in a special skin folder, it will look for it in the default skin folder. Though, there is no way to make a folder as "default" without it being avaliable I think. Though there is probally a way to do it thats kinda tricky.
But I think this method is sufficiant. We don't need to create a special system folder to store all the base templates, its a waste. If someone is converting skins, there is no reason they can't copy new templates over. What your talking about is templates that a skin doesn't have at all for old skins, like when we template admin. It takes all of 2 seconds for someone to copy the new skin files into the skin folder. |
oc |
I thought of something similar.
But after moduling, I think it can be (for example forums module) modules/forums/tpl/forums.posts.tpl But if user is determined to edit it, he can: skins/{specified}/forums.posts.tpl |
Brock |
The idea is both useless and useful at the same time. For people who want to use multiple the same database for multiple sites, they could easily share the same skin, and just change a few files around for each site (say the header), thus saving them space instead of copying and pasting all of the files just for a new skin.
Web Design Database -
Sergeich |
I suggest to add 2 new folders in the folder skin:
аdmin/ - All templates Admin Panel plugin/ - All custom templates plugins |
medar |
Until we don't have css-standart for inner tpl of skin - it (default skin) is useless feature.
Kilandor |
A plugin/ folder in skins can be used already.
As for admin/ that sounds fine to me, just to keep some templates sorted, It could become messy adding about 10+ more templates to root folder, admin folder would be good for organizing things. |
Dayver |
# Sergeich :Very good idea Pavlo Tkachenko aka Dayver
Trustmaster |
I like the idea.
May the Source be with you!
Lombi |
Wait, dont we already HAVE a default skin folder functionality? I mean, I opened that ticket :P
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