timi11 |
The qaptcha plugin will not work for my seditio (125 Beta).
What can I do? I become a white page for Registration and tools Page. Please give a little Help... timi11 |
Kilandor |
I'm sorry but support on this site is for Cotonti. For support to make plugins work for Seditio, or problems with Seditio, should be directed to http://www.neocrome.net/ . Only Support for Cotonti, and or upgrading from Seditio to Cotonti, either site or plugins, will be given here.
timi11 |
ok, thanks. I will test cotonti. Think it will be interesting Think.
timi11 |
Trustmaster |
Seditio version of Qaptcha can be found on SeditioForge.
May the Source be with you!
timi11 |
I have install cotonti at sounice.de and install qaptcha, are i have ever a white page. Not so from my Plugins Webkalk and Impressum
Hmm, what i do wrong? timi11 |
Trustmaster |
Did you install Cotonti version of qaptcha there?
May the Source be with you!
timi11 |
YES, i have. Download from this site:
http://www.cotonti.com/downloads/plugins/miscellaneous/qaptcha and it will not work! timi11 |
Trustmaster |
So you install it, edit the plugin configuration? What exactly happens then?
May the Source be with you!
timi11 |
Sorry, you must login and go to ADMINISTRATION and klick to TOOLS and Klick QAPTCHA for edit the questions and answers.
That is a white page. I can not edit Questions and answers. LOGIN and try it, please! |