Forums / Cotonti / Core Labs / Archive / Easier textboxer


#16 2008-08-04 10:43
Nice will have a look

Download Hoteditor
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De plaats voor nederlandse ondersteuning voor Cotonti.<br />
The place for support for Cotonti in Dutch
#17 2008-08-04 10:48
#86 rayblo : As i can see u use this plugin with Hoteditor?

Trustmaster please translate russian to english my PM for you.
Не задавай глупых вопросов, не услышишь вранья.
#18 2008-08-04 11:16
HotEditor integration plugin is very simple, you don't have to do anything to set it up. I have made it.
If Hoteditor is chosen as default one, I will put decoded editor.js here. Othewise I don't want to make it public. It was me and another guy who decrypted editor.js, there is no decrypted 4.2 on the net anywhere.
May the Source be with you!
#19 2008-08-04 11:22
We also decompressed hoteditor and use it on our sites in a modified version. It's an amazing editor.
<a href="">Surreal Art</a>
#20 2008-08-04 11:38
No harm feeling Ratibor i tried it on my website but not working m8.

I can add the boxer but when i try to write a new post or answer to one i doens't redirect and post it
[b][/b]<br />
De plaats voor nederlandse ondersteuning voor Cotonti.<br />
The place for support for Cotonti in Dutch
#21 2008-08-04 13:01
You know would be nice? Choosable WYSIWYG editors. It's very simple, we can use one of user_extra tags for this.

~BTW, check out: TinyMCE. This is nice editor, too. But I think, like I said before, we should provide default Seditio textboxer with, some enormous wysiwyg editor. I believe, second editor must be very complicated and advanced.
#22 2008-08-04 13:41
#93 rayblo : No harm feeling Ratibor i tried it on my website but not working m8.

I can add the boxer but when i try to write a new post or answer to one i doens't redirect and post it
Sorry, has forgotten

Change in all skin files *_TEXTBOXER on *_TEXTBOXER2

and add:

onSubmit="return get_hoteditor_data();"
in form
Example forums.newtopic.tpl:

<form onSubmit="return get_hoteditor_data();" action="{FORUMS_NEWTOPIC_SEND}" method="post" name="newtopic">
Не задавай глупых вопросов, не услышишь вранья.
#23 2008-08-04 13:42
kk try again, works nicely
[b][/b]<br />
De plaats voor nederlandse ondersteuning voor Cotonti.<br />
The place for support for Cotonti in Dutch
This post was edited by rayblo (2008-08-04 13:53, 16 years ago)
#24 2008-08-04 14:02
Well part of my Thing with my BBCode change I did, it moves BBcode parsing out of the core, thus any Editor can be coded to work, just someone has to develop it.
#25 2008-08-06 09:12
markItUp! Small editor (Html, Textile, Wiki Syntax, Markdown, BBcode), work with jQuery, Ajax dynamic preview.
Не задавай глупых вопросов, не услышишь вранья.
#26 2008-08-06 09:54
Looks good but unfurtunately no WYSIWYG
May the Source be with you!
#27 2008-08-16 21:12
Well, I was about to start work on new Parser / BBCode Manager, but what stopped me is editor integration. You see, if new bbcodes are added on the fly, you have to provide not just patterns for them, but also tips (with all the translations), icons, etc. And you can't do it editor-independent. Supporting multiple editors will be a hard pain, whereas there is no ultimate editor available.

I like Textboxer because it's lightweight and yet functional, so I could even deal with AJAX preview instead of WYSIWYG, but when it comes to extending it on the fly, Textboxer sucks. Most other bbcode editors don't have WYSIWYG option, which is most requested nowadays. Most WYSIWYG editors don't have bbcode support (or have ugly inconsistent bbcode support). So I'm puzzled since I really don't have time supporting even 2 editors instead of 1.

I even think of moving off from bbcodes to html completely (providing migration tools and backing up security some way).
May the Source be with you!
#28 2008-08-17 11:01
No, we need to stay bbcode. BBcode is made to be friendly, So anyone can use it. HTML is something typical users know little or nothing about.

And, Trust with my BBCode plugin, I provided support for enable/disable on the fly, along with Settings for tooltips, messages, icons and all that, It could even be expanded to support translations based on lang.
The editor we provide is all that matters, If people want to support/develop/integrate other editors. Then that will be their responsibility.

The core should Support 1 editor no more, but yet still be pretty easy to integrate others, having the stuff In SQL like my bbcode system, means anyone can access it, and do what they need with it.
#29 2008-08-17 16:00
I mean, people don't even need to know bbcode with HTML - they have WYSIWYG for that. But on the other hand, HTML sucks on more advanced stuff which can be done in bbcode shorter

Yes, I came to the problem after reviewing your BBCode plugin. Yes, it does it fine on add/edit/remove parser-side. The problem appears when it comes to editor integration.Obviously, it will take quite a long time to integrate.

It's a wrong point that someone will implement a plenty of fine editors integrated for all of your needs. Or there should be a good example at least.

OK, no panic, will try bbcodes and markItUp! as default editor.
May the Source be with you!
This post was edited by Trustmaster (2008-08-17 16:29, 16 years ago)
#30 2011-01-05 22:18
# Ratibor : Unpak all files HotEditor in yousite/Editor
Edit editor.js:
// Path
var styles_folder_path ="Editor/styles/office2007";//Set Editor Style (Skin) here
var smiles_path ="Editor/show_it.php?what=smileys&cat=YahooIM";//Show category YahooIM as default, change it here cat=Yoursxxx
var wordarts_path ="Editor/show_it.php?first=yes&what=wordarts";
var cliparts_path ="Editor/show_it.php?first=yes&what=cliparts";
var celendar_path ="Editor/calendar.php";
var VirtualKeyboard_path ="Editor/keyboard.php?first=" + vk_main;
var upload_path ="Editor/show_it.php?step=upload";

Install this plugin
Change in all skin files *_TEXTBOXER on *_TEXTBOXER2
How can i download? It says:

The page you are looking for is unavailable for security reason.
