Forums / Cotonti / Core Labs / Archive / Easier textboxer


#1 2008-08-03 21:02
As loads of people say it would be nicer to have another textboxer implemented into sed.


I believe that the textboxer included in sed is working properly but if you wanna add more features is not easy to do for new people.

It would be better to add new icons to a textboxer then replacing a whole string of images like its done now
[b][/b]<br />
De plaats voor nederlandse ondersteuning voor Cotonti.<br />
The place for support for Cotonti in Dutch
#2 2008-08-03 21:06
What about a true WYSIWYG bbcode editor called hoteditor?
<a href="">Surreal Art</a>
#3 2008-08-03 21:07
looks nice lombi;


But i must say i am using WP now for a private thing and i like the way they handle WYSIWYG but also usable as HTML
[b][/b]<br />
De plaats voor nederlandse ondersteuning voor Cotonti.<br />
The place for support for Cotonti in Dutch
This post was edited by Lombi (2008-08-03 21:24, 16 years ago)
#4 2008-08-03 21:25
Well the problem with HTML editors is that you would have to have everything in HTML then. As Seditio is a bbcode engine that would pose a problem. You would basically have to preparse all the pages.
<a href="">Surreal Art</a>
#5 2008-08-04 06:32
Since Seditio v125 (and Seditio-N 0.0.1) all parser functions are now pluggable. So we don't need to hack everything into the core, but implement various parsers/editors as plugins. I suggest these combinations:

1. Modified Textboxer as default editor, bbcode parser v2 as default parser and interface to manage bbcodes. Textboxer is lightweight and easy. I suggest using parser_v2 because PCRE is much faster than eregi.
2. Spaw2 as WYSIWYG HTML editor (there is documentation available on how to integrate and extend it, and spaw2 plugin too) and a new safe HTML-parser which will pass safe HTML only.
3. TinyMCE (several plugins available) and HTML-filter.
4. Hoteditor would be great because it's the only editor to provide state-of-art bbcode/WYSIWYG interoperation, but it has 2 major "buts": 1) it is commercial, 2) hard to extend.
May the Source be with you!
#6 2008-08-04 06:42
Well Spaw2 looks nice aswell TinyMCE, but main thing is if you wanna add your own bbcode into it, it should not be hard to do and even to add the image into it aswell, i believe that the majority will agree on this. So it will be much suitable for everyone
[b][/b]<br />
De plaats voor nederlandse ondersteuning voor Cotonti.<br />
The place for support for Cotonti in Dutch
#7 2008-08-04 06:44
TinyMCE sucks on adding new functionality to it, so I think we will stick with Spaw2 for WYSIWYG
May the Source be with you!
#8 2008-08-04 07:32
Hoteditor have to purchase it for use in product, as trust said not easy to modify

FCKeditior overly bloated

Spaw2 yes WYSIWYG but, It got no backwards compatable BBCode switch Also can't use it as its GPL, It would require our work to be released GPL as I doubt many of us have or will pay $369 for a license right now.

TinyMCE seems bloated as well.

I think the focus should be Textboxer, modified, and use it with our bbcode enhancments
#9 2008-08-04 08:03
#77 Kilandor : Hoteditor have to purchase it for use in product, as trust said not easy to modify
It is possible to make on the basis of hoteditor. To change it and to finish. Half from it can be thrown out.
Не задавай глупых вопросов, не услышишь вранья.
#10 2008-08-04 08:11
Spaw2 yes WYSIWYG but, It got no backwards compatable BBCode switch Also can't use it as its GPL, It would require our work to be released GPL as I doubt many of us have or will pay $369 for a license right now.

Hey, I said additional plugins, not including it in standard package.

It is possible to make on the basis of hoteditor. To change it and to finish. Half from it can be thrown out.
Have you seen it? It's easier to make Spaw2 use bbcodes or turn Textboxer WYSIWYG rather than rework Hoteditor :D
May the Source be with you!
#11 2008-08-04 09:49
#79 Trustmaster : Have you seen it? It's easier to make Spaw2 use bbcodes or turn Textboxer WYSIWYG rather than rework Hoteditor :D
And what there to alter? I already in it have altered much for myself:)
Не задавай глупых вопросов, не услышишь вранья.
#12 2008-08-04 09:50
Show an example then?
[b][/b]<br />
De plaats voor nederlandse ondersteuning voor Cotonti.<br />
The place for support for Cotonti in Dutch
#13 2008-08-04 10:13
#82 rayblo : Show an example then?


function writeRTE( a, b, c, d, e, f, g )
   if( Credit != "Rich Text Editor by" )
      alert( "Please do not remove or modify the Credit 'Rich Text Editor by' inside the script editor.js" );
      return false
   document.write( "<table class=Hoteditor_Main_Border width=" + d + " cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>\n" );
   document.write( "<tr><td><table width=100% class=Hoteditor_TitleBar><tr>\n" );
   document.write( "<td nowrap>\n" );
   if( isRichText && use_RichText == "1" && show_switch == "1" )document.write( "<span onClick=\"switch_editor( '"+b+"' ); \" title='"+capOnOff_RichText+"' style=\"float : right; CURSOR : hand; CURSOR : Pointer; \" id=switch_span" + b + ">" + capDesignModeTitle + " <img id=editor_switch" + b + " align=absmiddle border=0 src=" + styles_folder_path + "/" + ImgSwitch + "></span>" );
   if( editor_type == "1" )
      document.write( "<img align=absmiddle border=0 src=" + styles_folder_path + "/logo.gif> <span id=change_title_editor" + b + ">" + TitleText + "</span></td>\n" )
      document.write( "<img align=absmiddle border=0 src=" + styles_folder_path + "/logo.gif> <span id=change_title_editor" + b + ">" + TitleText_Texarea + "</span></td>\n" )
   if( show_arrow_up_down == 1 )document.write( "<td width=1% nowrap align=right><div><img title=\""+capDecrease_Size+"\" class=Hoteditor_Button STYLE=\"cursor : hand; cursor : pointer\" onmouseover=\"this.className = 'Hoteditor_Button_Over'; \" onmouseout=\"this.className = 'Hoteditor_Button_Out'; \" onClick=\"resize_editor( 'decrease_size', '"+b+"', '"+"textarea_"+b+"' ); \" border=0 src=" + styles_folder_path + "/arrow_up.gif></div><div><img title=\""+capIncrease_Size+"\" class=Hoteditor_Button STYLE=\"cursor : hand; cursor : pointer\" onmouseover=\"this.className = 'Hoteditor_Button_Over'; \" onmouseout=\"this.className = 'Hoteditor_Button_Out'; \" onClick=\"resize_editor( 'increase_size', '"+b+"', '"+"textarea_"+b+"' ); \" border=0 src=" + styles_folder_path + "/arrow_dn.gif></div></td>\n" );
   document.write( "</tr></table></td></tr>\n" );
   document.write( "<tr><td nowrap>\n" );
   if( isRichText )
      document.write( "<div id=hoteditor_richtool" + b + ">\n" );
      document.write( "<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>\n" );
      if( toolbar1 != "" && a != "min" )
         document.write( "<tr><td nowrap>\n" );
         array = toolbar1.split( "," );
         for( i = 0; i <= array.length; i ++ )
            if( array[i] )show_toolbar( array[i], b )
         document.write( "</td></tr>\n" )
      if( toolbar2 != "" && a != "min" )
         document.write( "<tr><td nowrap>\n" );
         array = toolbar2.split( "," );
         for( i = 0; i <= array.length; i ++ )
            if( array[i] )show_toolbar( array[i], b )
         document.write( "</td></tr>\n" )
      if( toolbar3 != "" && a != "min" )
         document.write( "<tr><td nowrap>\n" );
         array = toolbar3.split( "," );
         for( i = 0; i <= array.length; i ++ )
            if( array[i] )show_toolbar( array[i], b )
         document.write( "</td></tr>\n" )
      if( show_custom_bbcode_bar == "1" && a != "min" && ! isSafari )
         document.write( "<tr><td nowrap>\n" );
         for( i = 0; i <= array_toolbar_user_custom.length;
         i ++ )
            if( array_toolbar_user_custom[i] )show_custom_toolbar( array_toolbar_user_custom[i], b )
         document.write( "</td></tr>\n" )
      if( minibar != "" && a == "min" )
         document.write( "<tr><td nowrap>\n" );
         array = minibar.split( "," );
         for( i = 0; i <= array.length; i ++ )
            if( array[i] )show_toolbar( array[i], b )
         document.write( "</td></tr>\n" )
      document.write( "</table>\n" );
      if( isMacOS && isGecko )
         document.write( "</div>\n" )
      document.write( "<center><iframe style='width:98%;height:"+e+";background-color:white' frameborder=0 class=Hoteditor_iFrame id='"+b+"' name='"+b+"'></iframe></center>\n" );
      if( isMacOS && isGecko )
         var h = ""
         document.write( "</div>\n" )
   document.write( "<div id=hoteditor_texttool" + b + ">\n" );
   document.write( "<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>\n" );
   if( textarea_toolbar1 != "" && a != "min" )
      document.write( "<tr><td nowrap>\n" );
      array = textarea_toolbar1.split( "," );
      for( i = 0; i <= array.length; i ++ )
         if( array[i] )show_toolbar_textarea( array[i], "textarea_" + b )
      document.write( "</td></tr>\n" )
   if( textarea_toolbar2 != "" && a != "min" )
      document.write( "<tr><td nowrap>\n" );
      array = textarea_toolbar2.split( "," );
      for( i = 0; i <= array.length; i ++ )
         if( array[i] )show_toolbar_textarea( array[i], "textarea_" + b )
      document.write( "</td></tr>\n" )
   if( textarea_toolbar3 != "" && a != "min" )
      document.write( "<tr><td nowrap>\n" );
      array = textarea_toolbar3.split( "," );
      for( i = 0; i <= array.length; i ++ )
         if( array[i] )show_toolbar_textarea( array[i], "textarea_" + b )
      document.write( "</td></tr>\n" )
   if( show_custom_bbcode_bar == "1" && a != "min" )
      document.write( "<tr><td nowrap>\n" );
      for( i = 0; i <= array_toolbar_user_custom.length;
      i ++ )
         if( array_toolbar_user_custom[i] )show_custom_toolbar_bbcode( array_toolbar_user_custom[i], b )
      document.write( "</td></tr>\n" )
   if( textarea_minibar != "" && a == "min" )
      document.write( "<tr><td nowrap>\n" );
      array = textarea_minibar.split( "," );
      for( i = 0; i <= array.length; i ++ )
         if( array[i] )show_toolbar_textarea( array[i], "textarea_" + b )
      document.write( "</td></tr>\n" )
   document.write( "</table>\n" );
   if( isMacOS && isGecko )
      document.write( "</div>\n" )
   var j = c.replace( /<br>/ig, "\n" );
   j = j.replace( /</g, "<" );
   j = j.replace( />/g, ">" );
   j = j.replace( /&amp;#/gi, "&#" );
   j = j.replace( /\[\/tr\]/gi, "\n[/TR]" );
   j = j.replace( /\[tr\]/gi, "\n[TR]" );
   j = j.replace( /\[td\]/gi, "\n[TD]" );
   j = j.replace( /\[\/table\]/gi, "\n[/TABLE]" );
   j = j.replace( /\[\/table\]$/gi, "[/TABLE]\n" );
   document.write( "<center><textarea wrap=auto " + print_dir + " style='font-family:Verdana,Arial,Sans-Serif,Tahoma;font-size:12px;color: black;width:98%;height:"+e+"' class=Hoteditor_iTextarea id='textarea_"+b+"' name='textarea_"+b+"'>" + j + "</textarea></center>\n" );
   if( isMacOS && isGecko )
      var h = ""
      document.write( "</div>\n" )
   document.write( "</td></tr>\n" );

and more......................................

I have full decompress editor.js version 4.2

Very small editor with support bbcode - NicEdit
Не задавай глупых вопросов, не услышишь вранья.
This post was edited by Ratibor (2008-08-04 10:23, 16 years ago)
#14 2008-08-04 10:21
Cool! Do you have a Seditio plugin?
May the Source be with you!
#15 2008-08-04 10:29
Unpak all files HotEditor in yousite/Editor
Edit editor.js:
// Path
var styles_folder_path ="Editor/styles/office2007";//Set Editor Style (Skin) here
var smiles_path ="Editor/show_it.php?what=smileys&cat=YahooIM";//Show category YahooIM as default, change it here cat=Yoursxxx
var wordarts_path ="Editor/show_it.php?first=yes&what=wordarts";
var cliparts_path ="Editor/show_it.php?first=yes&what=cliparts";
var celendar_path ="Editor/calendar.php";
var VirtualKeyboard_path ="Editor/keyboard.php?first=" + vk_main;
var upload_path ="Editor/show_it.php?step=upload";

Install this plugin
Change in all skin files *_TEXTBOXER on *_TEXTBOXER2
Не задавай глупых вопросов, не услышишь вранья.
This post was edited by Ratibor (2008-08-04 10:40, 16 years ago)
