Forums / Cotonti / Extensions / [Beta Release] MediaLibrary2 Gallery


beta release of the medilib gallery

#121 2009-09-23 19:07
On small question, I can't find in config, how I can change the amount of pictures displayed in folderview.
For the moment it is 8.

Added 50 seconds later:


Still in testfase.
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#122 2009-09-23 19:32
eeek, im afraid its in mymedia.

u would have to edit things to force change it.

its in gallery -> mymedia -> config -> Gallery View Type Config
#123 2009-09-23 20:35
Can we set it somewhere as default?
Mymedia is only for my useraccount, not for all users.
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#124 2009-09-23 22:07
im afraid it would mean editing the plugin to look for overrides and stuff.

or.. if u want it setting for default. u can edit the defaults in config.php and delete all the users settings, forcing them back to defaults. (your new defaults). tho if they change it, it could break your skin.

i think maybe there is a missed section on a table, a good way is to check the output source and make sure everything is countered for. the skin tables shouldnt be breaking like that :S:S

anyway to change defaults.


line 212

	$sections['thumbnailsview']['grows'] = array('value' => '4','name' => 'grows','text' => 'Rows','type' => 1,'default' => '4');
	$sections['thumbnailsview']['gcolumns'] = array('value' => '4','name' => 'gcolumns','text' => 'Columns','type' => 1,'default' => '4');

change where it says default to what u want.

then empty $ml_config
#125 2009-09-24 00:57
It is heavy to speak on not native to me language. Understood nothing from an answer (the file of TPL edited all, but nothing helped).
Understood one deleting is needed ç bases, that is why as with admin panels of not turns out. (And it can not such function!!!)
Yet question how to show out in index, one not picture, but how many I will want, and on categories?

Added 48 seconds later:

Use a translator. Izvenyayus' for errors.
#126 2009-09-29 00:49
ok, im a little lost sorry?

you can delete move alot of things? its pretty customizable. Check the admin link.

For the index pages, atm, its only one image, unlike medlib1 which you could put any count of images on. I was planning to chaneg this as well as add more options to the folder views. however i just dont have time to spend on computers. I leave sunday.

Ask me in english and what is your native language? swedish? maybe someone can help translate. i have some swedish friends. I find it hard to read swedish. I have some norwegian friends who would help me also.

i may be wrong, danish even?
#127 2009-09-30 06:20
I talk in Ukrainian (Russian)!!!
I use simply online the translator.

At present I use only one gallery. Therefore, it is necessary for me that on main it was possible to deduce

And all it to set in the panel - the manager - a configuration.

Added 12 minutes later:

And where it is possible to find MediaLibrary1?

Added 1 hour later:

As it is translated into Russian "POTD"?
This post was edited by ssergo (2009-09-30 07:33, 14 years ago)
#128 2009-09-30 18:02
As it is translated into Russian "POTD"?
«Картинка дня» например. Picture of the Day.
#129 2009-10-01 00:08
NovoKain - Cпасибки!!!.
А нету у вас (случайно) языкового файла
Сам уже устал переводить (при-том спомощю переводчика)

Added 15 minutes later:

Заметил одну особеность.
В Mazilla Firefox - слайд шоу на plug.php?e=medialibrary работает.
В Opera - не работает
В IE - не работает.
Может кто то подсказать причину?

I noticed one peculiarity.
In Mazilla Firefox - a slide show on plug.php? E = medialibrary works.
In the Opera - not working
In IE - does not work.
Can someone suggest a reason?
This post was edited by ssergo (2009-10-01 00:23, 14 years ago)
#130 2009-10-01 01:05
Скажите пожалуйста, можно ли как то побороть проблему иероглифов на "главной" в медиатеке? (сайт.ru/plug.php?e=medialibrary)
Текст из описания выглядит иероглифами, но только по вышенаписаной ссылке. Есл иткнуть на картинку и читать подробно, все нормально. Кодировку бд я сменил на юникод.

Добавлено 1 Минута спустя:

# ssergo : NovoKain - Cпасибки!!!.
А нету у вас (случайно) языкового файла
Сам уже устал переводить (при-том спомощю переводчика)

Added 15 minutes later:

Заметил одну особеность.
В Mazilla Firefox - слайд шоу на plug.php?e=medialibrary работает.
В Opera - не работает
В IE - не работает.
Может кто то подсказать причину?
В мозилке пашет слайдшоу, но только не отображает картинку полностю. Затемнение из Слимбокса работает на ура.
В опере слайдшоу работает прекрасно, затемнение не на всю страницу.
IE - слайдшоу не работает, затемнение в пол страницы.
#131 2009-10-01 01:14
Пожалуйста используйте английский язык для общения в англоязычной ветке форума!
#132 2009-10-01 01:27
Not working Cyrillic characters on in description field. If open pictures, Cyrillic characters in description displayed excellent. (sql db converted from latin1_swedish_ci to utf8_unicode_ci )
#133 2009-10-01 09:23
В мозилке пашет слайдшоу, но только не отображает картинку полностю. Затемнение из Слимбокса работает на ура.
В опере слайдшоу работает прекрасно, затемнение не на всю страницу.
IE - слайдшоу не работает, затемнение в пол страницы.
I'm not that at all!!
I am on the slide show on the main www.lya lya lya/plug.php?e=medialibrary

This post was edited by ssergo (2009-10-01 09:30, 14 years ago)
young mone
#134 2009-10-03 05:01
could someone tell me where the sql file is for this please thank you
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#135 2009-10-03 05:04
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