Custom themes for Administration panel

You can create or install your own theme for admin panel

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Cotonti Siena supports custom themes for Administration panel. Such themes are located in 'themes/admin' folder.

#1. Creating your own admin theme

To create your own admin theme you need to do at least these things:

  1. Create a folder in 'themes/admin', e.g. 'themes/admin/mytheme'.
  2. Define inside your theme's folder at least these templates in it: header.tpl, footer.tpl, admin.tpl, message.tpl. You can use standard ones from 'system/admin/tpl' folder as example.
  3. Define inside your theme's folder other admin templates found in 'system/admin/tpl' if necessary.

#2. Using a custom admin theme

To install an admin theme, do the following:

  1. Unpack it in 'themes/admin' folder.
  2. Edit your 'datas/config.php' and set the appropriate $cfg['admintheme'] setting, for example:
$cfg['admintheme'] = 'mytheme';

That's it!

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