Comments namespace

Function Summary
cot_comments_displayGenerates comments display for a given item
cot_comments_enabledChecks if comments are enabled for specific extension and category
cot_comments_linkGenerates comments display for a given item
cot_comments_newcountNew comments count for admin page
cot_comments_removeRemoves comments associated with an item
Global Summary
RComments system for Cotonti
com_optionsParameters for comments config implantation into modules
db_comJoins into the main list query
extra_whitelistComments system for Cotonti
idComments system for Cotonti
id2Comments system for Cotonti
indexpollsComments system for Cotonti
is_moduleImplants missing enablement configs when a new module is installed
mComments system for Cotonti
page_urlpComments system for Cotonti
sqlComments system for Cotonti
tComments system for Cotonti
totaldbcommentsComments system for Cotonti
trash_typesTrash can functions for comments
typeLoads language string for comments_enable option in Admin/Config
usrAdministration panel - Manager of comments