This is reCAPTCHA integration plugin for Cotonti -- another member of the happy family of CAPTCHA plugins serving security of your websites.

reCAPTCHA v2 is currently supported.

Authors: esclkm, Andrey Matsovkin, Kalnov Alexey



#1. Requirements

Version for Cotonti Siena:

Just download it here and install the plugin.

Version for Cotonti Genoa:

Download here.

This plugin is recommended for use with CAPTCHA Manager. However, it can be used as a single CAPTCHA solution for the website.


#2. Installation

  1. Unpack to your plugins folder
  2. Install the plugin in AdminCP
  3. Visit to obtain reCAPTCHA keys and get detailed info
  4. Configure the plugin (don't forget to add the keys!)
  5. Add tags to users.register.tpl: {USERS_REGISTER_VERIFYIMG}, to comments.tpl: {COMMENTS_FORM_VERIFY_IMG}, to contact.tpl: {CONTACT_FORM_VERIFY_IMG}


#3. Developers API

Use this function to generate CAPTCHA in your extensions:

  'SOMETHING_CAPTCHA' => cot_captcha_generate(),

Then check CAPTCHA on form processing:

$response = cot_import('g-recaptcha-response', 'P', 'TXT');
if (!cot_captcha_validate($response)) {
  cot_error('recaptcha_verification_failed', 'response');



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