Foren / Cotonti / Support / forum spam!

#1 20. März 2013, 10:14


how do you lot deal with forum spam? we've got rcaptcha installed and it works, we got email validation on and it works but the bots manage to pass that and still spam the forums, how do you deal with it? 


genoa 6.25

#2 20. März 2013, 11:25

How much spam do you get? We get some spam posts here a few times a month, I just remove them and ban their posters.

May the Source be with you!
#3 22. März 2013, 12:29

around 10 or so bots that post 10-20 threads in forums/week.


i got rid of rcaptcha and installed mathscaptcha we'll see if that does any good.. :) viagra adds are annoying.. my one is still up so i've got no interest in it.


we get around 20-25k hits/day can't tell how many of them come from the bots but the fact is that we got it a lot worse than other forums by the looks of it, we had one bot that managed to post 15 threads in forums. 

#4 22. März 2013, 16:23

That's quite a regular spam schedule. You can try the brand new Spam Protection plugin by Xerora.

May the Source be with you!
#5 8. April 2013, 13:56

looks like maths captcha is working :) so yeah if anyone has a problem with bots try that out first! :)