other system import
Slaweally |
Türkçe: Cotonti yeni sürümde marge yani geçiş sistemleri olması güzel olur diye düşünüyorum, mesela vbulletin, xenforo, mybb, smf türü sistemlerden cotontiye geçiş için bir marge sistem yapılmalı, yani cotonti çekirdeğinde bu olması gerekir diye düşünüyorum ne dersiniz ? English: The new version of Cotont Having access systems I think it would be nice. for example vBulletin, XenForo, MyBB, SMF type of system marge should be done Cotonti core of the I think it should be. What is your opinion? Herşey bitti...
Dave |
hey there, i did such merge in past, cant remember but we have somewhere a script to import db from phpBB, i saw similar scripts to get db (in cotonti) from myBB and SMF good idea tho... imo cotonti is better than phpBB, myBB and smf :p Your advertisement here :-)
Cotonti Genoa based site: forgotten-garage.pl |
Slaweally |
As a result :)
Herşey bitti...
dany500 |
howdy, i did such consolidation in past, cant recall however we have some place a script to import db from phpbb, i saw comparable scripts to get db (in cotonti) from mybb and SMF
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Відредаговано: dany500 (07.11.2014 12:42, 10 років тому) |