Форуми / Cotonti / General / Usergroup specific block

#1 23.01.2013 16:58

I want a block on the mainpage which is only visible to a certain group. This group will not be the users main group, but a subgroup which allows them to post newsitems. To make this easier, I created a block that contains quick links to all categories.


I used <!-- IF {PHP.usr.group} == 15 -->

But it doesnt show. I know I am probably the one that's faulty, but I dont know what exactly. little help plz :)


#2 28.01.2013 11:45


This global variable - $usr - is not containing info about user groups - just main group. That's because just maingroup is stored in users table of DB. All other groups stored in other table.

As I understand, all needed calculations for auth goes on the fly for specific user in specific part of Site.

I would suggest using LEVEL {PHP.usr.level} - at least i helped me, as I was filtering anyone LOWER that "elite" ))

Also, if just this group has ADMIN rights for this category - you just may filter them by

<!-- IF {PHP.usr.isadmin} -->
