Форуми / Cotonti / Support / 2 new problems...

Siena 1.9.10

#1 16.06.2012 18:46
  1. I created a number of groups for which I omitted rights and set these as some users primary groups so the correct group Icon would show.  however there are now problems arising...i gave myself a primary group 3 levels below the admin group but kept the administrators group as a secondary group.  I'm now no longer to set anyone with a group higher than this primary group...even if i set my own primary group back to administrators...
    The other problem coming from this is that users given one of the other primary groups that are 'rights omitted' now see forum threads as below:

  2. the second problem is that for some bizarre reason when using MarkItUp the links for Personal File Space and Site File Space are not showing underneath the edit box as I'd expect...is this normal?


#2 17.06.2012 00:17

Not being able to set other users to groups higher than your own is a security measure. This practice is inherited from the old LDU/Seditio days when usergroups relied on 'levels' instead of 'rights'. With the new rights system where it's possible to be a member of multiple groups this feature needs to be revised. Normally it's not a problem as long as the maingroup is always the highest, but that's not always the case. I'll add a ticket for this, so it'll be fixed in the next release.

As for your other problems I will need some more details before I can give a sensible answer.

#3 17.06.2012 06:23

2. You need to add appropriate tags to your TPLs, e.g. {PAGEEDIT_FORM_PFS}, {PAGEEDIT_FORM_SFS}.

May the Source be with you!
#4 17.06.2012 10:51

TM, is there a similar tag for the forums, because i've checked the Nemesis theme (which i'm heavily modifying) and there are no PFS tags present in the newtopic, Posts or editpost tpl files.


#5 17.06.2012 22:19




#6 21.06.2012 09:38

thats perfect Twiebe thanks.  i sorted the forum posts problem - was actually a coding problem from me :S