Форуми / Cotonti / Support / Comments Disabled & Hidden?

#1 17.02.2012 22:05

Already did a quick search of this, but it's kind of hard to figure out better keywords.

Here's the deal, when comments are disabled in certain pages and/or categories, I would like to hide the WHOLE comments area at the bottom. So, the message about it being disabled, etc. Is hidden, what would be the best way to go about this as I do NOT want to fully disable them altogether, just would like the certain sections (i.e. About Us, Services, etc.) to not have them displayed.

I got some ideas on how to go about this, and will probably end up figuring it out later as my girlfriend wants to do stuff today... just wanted to know if anyone else has done this and/or if there are any suggestions on doing this, maybe an <!-- If --> or something to comment them out via HTML or something? Let me know what you guys think, so when I get back I am not taking shots in the dark.


#2 18.02.2012 01:53

modify /modules/page/tpl/page.tpl

block comments    <!-- IF {PHP.usr.maingrp} == 4 -->    CODE COMMENTS    <!-- ENDIF -->


== 4 -->   number of group

#3 18.02.2012 07:48

Just remove COMMENTS_CLOSED block from comments.tpl and it won't show that message.

May the Source be with you!
#4 18.02.2012 09:17

That's easy enough, haha. After all this crap I have done tweaking things, now I feel dumb. ;)