Форуми / Cotonti / General / Future Genoa


#16 13.12.2011 10:18

The way I've come to see it now is that basically we should scratch PDO, we simply don't need it and many people don't like it. It took me a while to get used to it, and personally the only important benefit I see is it's easy query preparation. Oh and I love chaining it's functions like $db->query(...)->fetchAll(). Of course there are other benefits, but those don't apply for the majority of users.

I think it would be good for Cotonti to make a decision about procedural vs objectoriented and stick with it, and although I personally prefer OO code, I'm in favor of procedural code for Cotonti. This is for several reasons:

  • Having a mostly procedural but very structured codebase makes the system easy to use and modify for beginners.
  • We can use the slogan 'procedural where possible, object oriented where necessary' as a marketing feat. I think the simplicity of the code is an important benefit we have over Wordpress and the likes.
  • Historically we've had a procedural codebase, it's too big a change to go all OO. We'd lose a lot of users that way.

I'm not saying it should all be procedural. XTemplate has always been OO and that doesn't bother anyone. I think it's ok to write core APIs in an OO way if procedural just doesn't make sense. In the end we should focus on speed, ease of use and readability. XTemplate and Caching are two examples of features that must be OO to make any sense. As for CotDB, I'm happy to go back to sed_sql_queries, although it should be extended with some conveniences we have in PDO (but procedural). Perhaps we can move PDO into a plugin so advanced users can still use it.

On a final note, I don't see us scratching Siena itself. Probably we'll try to make it more backwards compatible with Genoa and go on with Siena. This is simply because Siena has a lot of minor improvements and fixes as well, which are not quickly backported. It would be like throwing away 2 years of work.

#17 13.12.2011 18:57

I really really hope... that some functionality like new Authentication, i18n, caching are backported (not all at once please) to Genoa.

This also has 1 big advantage: it will make the transition from Genoa to Siena soo much smoother.

I agree with Gert completely, I am all for readability and procedures are not bad at all. OO if needed... (after all it does add overhead to code !, so you must gain something with OO if it is used)


About the sed_ thing.... Personally i dont care about how a function is called.. I think we even should leave that alone (let it be sed... so what)
let me say it like this.... Does this change from sed_ to cot_ make anything better.... the answer is simply NO.
It takes a lot off time to do that.... custom plugs are not working anymore unless we use crappy fix layers for just renaming functions...
And that only because it sounds nice... i simply say if it is a waste of valueable time... dont do it !

Same rule applies for every change.... Does the spent time really make it better... if not dont do it.

I really hope to see the next generation Genoa rise... yes

==- I say: Keep it EZ -==

Відредаговано: ez (13.12.2011 19:39, 12 років тому)
#18 14.12.2011 08:43


I don't think we should scratch PDO, I'd prefer providing wrapper procedures in sed_sql_* style. This way we get rid of the dilemma of MySQL PHP extensions (there are currently 3 of them: mysql, mysqli and mysqlnd; a choice between them is not trivial and is host-dependent) and also save PDO benefits for those who really want to use PDO.

As for prefixes, it isn't really such a waste of time. It's the easiest thing in plugin conversion really, because it can be done in 2 clicks with an editor which has "find and replace in files" function or with CDT.

So, rather than backporting big things like i18n and caching from Siena to Genoa, I'd like to make Siena more friendly to Genoa developers. I didn't dedicate enough much time to it before, but now that we know that it is necessary, I can significantly improve compatibility. So far this would include the following goals:

  • Add support for Genoa/Seditio plugins by default. Surely not all of them will work, but I think 80% is a reasonable part.
  • Provide procedural database API.
  • Relaunch TPL tags database.

If you think that it is a good idea, we can find other drawbacks in Siena and add more goals to this list and then add it to our roadmap on Github.

May the Source be with you!
#19 14.12.2011 09:56

Basically youre saying development Genoa stops (other then bugfixing)
Am I understanding this correctly ?

==- I say: Keep it EZ -==
#20 14.12.2011 11:42

think he means that they will bring Sienna and Genoa closer together, and merge/create one branch of it??

#21 14.12.2011 12:59

So far I have 2 proposals for Genoa enthusiasts:

  1. Join the team to continue the Genoa branch development.
  2. Suggest improvements that would make Siena more friendly to you.
May the Source be with you!
#22 14.12.2011 18:10

this weekend i will install a fresh version of siena and try it in most aspects i can think of.

then i maybe have some suggestions. for now, all that is just a big questionmark for me...

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#23 14.12.2011 18:51

I want to join.. but Im a bit DEEEEERRRRRPPPP when it comes to php and stuff :(

#24 14.12.2011 18:58
What exactly is a question mark? It's an advanced version of the Geona branch.. With a little less plugins due to it being new.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.
#25 14.12.2011 19:15

@Dyllon; simply everything because i only tested it a bit here and there but never dig into it that much.

URL shortener: <a href="http://bbm.li/!7AD5C7">http://bbm.li/!7AD5C7</a>
#26 14.12.2011 23:19

As a start, here's an overview of changes between Genoa and Siena in terms of architecture:

  • Core modules (forums etc.) moved from /system to /modules - more about directory structure
  • Siena has 'modules' and 'plugins', which together are called 'extensions'. They have the same structure and functionality, but modules are usually stand-alone pages, while plugins are used to enhance existing functionality (core, modules or other plugins).
  • Siena uses PDO, which means SQL queries are done using $db->query() instead of sed_sql_query(). - more about the database layer
  • Siena supports caching (10x faster pageload), but this is optional. - more about caching
  • Siena has install.php, which automates a lot of the installation and upgrade procedure (also for extensions).
  • Siena uses index.php as entry point for (almost) all requests. This means modules do not need their own file in root. Existing files are kept for backwards compatibility (e.g. plug.php). Extensions are now called using index.php?e=myext
  • Siena has several collections of helper functions which we call APIs. They are the files in /system and include forms, caching, file uploads and extrafields. I especially like the Forms API, which makes extension development a lot easier. - some API documentation here (needs to be improved)

If you want to have a look at the Siena directory structure and files without having to download and extract the package, have a look on Github.

@Kingsley: It's no problem if you're not a pro developer, I once started as a newbie too. As long as you're enthousiastic about it, have no problem spending your time on it and you want to learn this stuff, you'll be ok. Trustmaster and I are here to help you if you have questions.

Відредаговано: GHengeveld (14.12.2011 23:37, 12 років тому)
#27 15.12.2011 20:25


So far I have 2 proposals for Genoa enthusiasts:

  1. Join the team to continue the Genoa branch development.
  2. Suggest improvements that would make Siena more friendly to you.


  1. I pass... My ideas about how it should all work are different then yours.

    I am very old school and I take everything out what is not usefull ( call my programming lean ! )
    And if I were to start on the Genoa core I would make the gap between Genoa and Siena bigger in stead off smaller.
    (e.g. I would introduce a cache system other then yours).
    Also it is not benefitial to Cotonti as a whole... because the need to go to Siena will be smaller.. and thats not good.

  2. Yes sure

    Since you are allready creating overhead, why not add wrapper classes for readability and ease off use ?

    I saw some usefull ideas... I think PDO is the most likely to benefit from wrappers...


I Hope this is usefull ?

==- I say: Keep it EZ -==
#28 16.12.2011 07:54

Yes, that sounds reasonable. By the way we already have those insert/delete/update/runScript methods in our CotDB wrapper. Similar functions exist in Genoa too.

May the Source be with you!
