fraze |
Whenever the parser runs it produces the following error. it doesnt matter whether you select HTML or BBCode. it's always the exact same point.
Fear Nothing - Tarren Mill, EU 2011-04-05 16:26 Fatal error: SQL error 42000: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 's post what you have please)', '1296290892', '10', 'Calahon', #0 cot_diefatal(SQL error 42000: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 's post what you have please)', '1296290892', '10', 'Calahon',) called at [/srv/www/htdocs/beta/upgrade/system/database.php:436] #1 CotDB->query(INSERT INTO `sed_forum_stats` (`fs_cat`, `fs_lt_id`, `fs_lt_title`, `fs_lt_date`, `fs_lt_posterid`, `fs_lt_postername`, `fs_topiccount`, `fs_postcount`, `fs_viewcount`) VALUES ('7', '1992', 'Jewelcrafting Cata Recipies!! (all JC's post what you have please)', '1296290892', '10', 'Calahon', '5', '91', '1251')) called at [/srv/www/htdocs/beta/upgrade/setup/siena/] #2 include(/srv/www/htdocs/beta/upgrade/setup/siena/ called at [/srv/www/htdocs/beta/upgrade/modules/install/inc/install.update.php:144] #3 include(/srv/www/htdocs/beta/upgrade/modules/install/inc/install.update.php) called at [/srv/www/htdocs/beta/upgrade/install.php:125] Any help would be much appreciated! |
Trustmaster |
Thanks for the report, you have discovered a bug in our upgrade script! I hope you have made a backup, so that doesn't break your site. If you have done so, please roll back and try to upgrade again, having replaced your setup/siena/ file with this one. If it works fine, then it will be oficially included in 0.9.1. May the Source be with you!
fraze |
the import works perfectly now, thank you very much
anotherfruit |
Hi, the Genoa -> Siena SQL upgrade script throws the following error: Genoa db tables use sed_ as prefix. Before this error another one was thrown. I had to manually create the cache/templates directory to proceed. [pre]2011-04-06 10:52 Fatal error: SQL error 42S02: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'thshmu_cworkspace.config' doesn't exist #0 cot_diefatal(SQL error 42S02: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'thshmu_cworkspace.config' doesn't exist) called at [/home/thshmu/public_html/workspace/system/database.php:436] #1 CotDB->query(UPDATE `config` SET `config_cat` = 'structure' WHERE `config_owner` = 'core' AND `config_cat` = 'page' AND `config_name` = 'maxrowsperpage' LIMIT 1) called at [/home/thshmu/public_html/workspace/system/database.php:382] #2 CotDB->runScript(/* r1016 split conf parametrs from page section to structure section */ UPDATE `cot_config` SET `config_cat` = 'structure' WHERE `config_owner` = 'core' AND `config_cat` = 'page' AND `config_name` = 'maxrowsperpage' LIMIT 1 ; UPDATE `cot_config` SET `config_cat` = 'structure' WHERE `config_owner` = 'core' AND `config_cat` = 'page' AND `config_name` = 'maxlistsperpage' LIMIT 1 ; /* r1027 delete plug passrecover & add email config */ DELETE FROM `cot_auth` WHERE `auth_code` = 'plug' AND `auth_option` = 'passrecover' LIMIT 6; DELETE FROM `cot_plugins` WHERE `pl_code` = 'passrecover' LIMIT 1; /* r1035 delete plug adminqv */ DELETE FROM `cot_auth` WHERE `auth_code` = 'plug' AND `auth_option` = 'adminqv' LIMIT 6; DELETE FROM `cot_plugins` WHERE `pl_code` = 'adminqv' LIMIT 1; INSERT INTO `cot_auth` (`auth_id`, `auth_groupid`, `auth_code`, `auth_option`, `auth_rights`, `auth_rights_lock`, `auth_setbyuserid`) VALUES (NULL, 1, 'structure', 'a', 0, 255, 1), (NULL, 2, 'structure', 'a', 0, 255, 1), (NULL, 3, 'structure', 'a', 0, 255, 1), (NULL, 4, 'structure', 'a', 0, 255, 1), (NULL, 5, 'structure', 'a', 255, 255, 1), (NULL, 6, 'structure', 'a', 1, 0, 1); INSERT INTO `cot_config` (`config_owner`, `config_cat`, `config_order`, `config_name`, `config_type`, `config_value`, `config_default`, `config_text`) VALUES ('core', 'main', '13', 'disableactivitystats', 3, '0', '', ''), ('core', 'main', '14', 'disabledbstats', 3, '0', '', ''); /* r1036 delete plug passrec */ UPDATE `cot_config` SET `config_order` = '18' WHERE `config_name` = 'title_header' AND `config_order` = '17' LIMIT 1 ; UPDATE `cot_config` SET `config_order` = '19' WHERE `config_name` = 'title_header' AND `config_order` = '18' LIMIT 1 ; INSERT INTO `cot_config` (`config_owner`, `config_cat`, `config_order`, `config_name`, `config_type`, `config_value`, `config_default`, `config_text`) VALUES ('core', 'title', '17', 'title_users_pasrec', 1, '{PASSRECOVER}', '', ''); /* r1049 Countries update fix */ UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_country` = 'tl' WHERE `user_country` = 'tp'; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_country` = 'gb' WHERE `user_country` IN ('en', 'sx', 'uk', 'wa'); UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_country` = '00' WHERE `user_country` IN ('eu', 'yi'); UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_country` = 'rs' WHERE `user_country` = 'kv'; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_country` = 'cd' WHERE `user_country` = 'zr'; /* r1062-1065 Cache tables update */ ALTER TABLE `cot_cache` MODIFY `c_name` varchar(120) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE `cot_cache` ADD COLUMN `c_realm` varchar(80) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL default 'cot'; ALTER TABLE `cot_cache` DROP PRIMARY KEY; ALTER TABLE `cot_cache` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`c_name`, `c_realm`); ALTER TABLE `cot_cache` ADD KEY (`c_realm`); ALTER TABLE `cot_cache` ADD KEY (`c_name`); ALTER TABLE `cot_cache` ADD KEY (`c_expire`); CREATE TABLE `cot_cache_bindings` ( `c_event` VARCHAR(80) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `c_id` VARCHAR(120) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `c_realm` VARCHAR(80) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'cot', `c_type` TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`c_event`, `c_id`, `c_realm`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci; /* r1068 Cache configuration */ DELETE FROM `cot_config` WHERE config_cat = 'main' AND config_name = 'cache'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_cat = 'performance' WHERE config_name = 'gzip' OR config_name = 'disablehitstats' OR config_name = 'disableactivitystats' OR config_name = 'disabledbstats'; INSERT INTO `cot_config` (config_owner, config_cat, config_order, config_name, config_type, config_value, config_default, config_text) VALUES ('core', 'performance', '20', 'hit_precision', 2, '100', '10,100,1000', 'Optimized hit counter precision'); /* r1093 Some changes in PM for economy sql space */ ALTER TABLE `cot_pm` ADD COLUMN `pm_fromstate` tinyint(2) NOT NULL default '0'; ALTER TABLE `cot_pm` ADD COLUMN `pm_tostate` tinyint(2) NOT NULL default '0'; UPDATE `cot_pm` SET `pm_tostate`='1' WHERE `pm_state` = '1'; UPDATE `cot_pm` SET `pm_tostate`='2' WHERE `pm_state` = '2'; DELETE FROM `cot_pm` WHERE `pm_state` = '3'; ALTER TABLE `cot_pm` DROP `pm_state`; /* r1102 Moving information from cot_configmap() to cot_config, core and plug unification */ ALTER TABLE `cot_config` ADD COLUMN config_variants varchar(255) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL default ''; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'disable_comments'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '1', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'countcomments'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '1', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'expand_comments'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '15', config_variants = '5,10,15,20,25,30,40,50,60,70,100,200,500' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'maxcommentsperpage'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '0,1024,2048,4096,8192,16384,32768,65536' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'commentsize'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'hideprivateforums'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '20', config_variants = '5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,50' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'hottopictrigger'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '30', config_variants = '5,10,15,20,25,30,40,50,60,70,100,200,500' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'maxtopicsperpage'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'antibumpforums'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '1', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'mergeforumposts'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '0,1,2,3,6,12,24,36,48,72' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'mergetimeout'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'usesingleposturls'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '15', config_variants = '5,10,15,20,25,30,40,50,60,70,100,200,500' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'maxpostsperpage'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'forcedefaultlang'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'adminemail'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'clustermode'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '999.999.999.999', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'hostip'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '1', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'cache'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'devmode'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'maintenance'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'maintenancereason'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'cookiedomain'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'cookiepath'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '5184000', config_variants = '1800,3600,7200,14400,28800,43200,86400,172800,259200,604800,1296000,2592000,5184000' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'cookielifetime'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'disabledbstats'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'shieldenabled'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '100', config_variants = '10,25,50,75,100,125,150,200,300,400,600,800' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'shieldtadjust'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '25', config_variants = '5,10,15,20,25,30,40,50,100' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'shieldzhammer'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '1', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'redirbkonlogin'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'redirbkonlogout'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '1', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'jquery'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '1', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'turnajax'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'topline'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'banner'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'bottomline'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = ' [/pre] |
annihillator |
When I tried to update from Genoa to Siena it threw up some MySQL errors (a lot). The update failed. Even though I had a backup of the website and MySQL I could not restore the backup because once again it threw back MySQL errors all over the place. So I decided just to install a fresh copy of Siena.
When will themes become available for it? |
pieter |
Themes will be available if someone convert some templates. For the moment only nemesis and Symisun-03 are available. ... can we help you ...
Trustmaster |
anotherfruit, please make sure that your Genoa datas/config.php contains this line:
$db_x = 'sed_';
Added 1 minutes later: #29332 annihillator: Could you paste those errors here please? I think you could not restore backup because your database was already filled with tables, you need to remove all data before you restore. May the Source be with you!
Відредаговано: Trustmaster (06.04.2011 14:07, 13 років тому) |
anotherfruit |
#29336 Trustmaster:
Thanks! That did help... until a new error popped up: --- snip --- Fatal error: SQL error 42S22: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'com_html' in 'where clause' #0 cot_diefatal(SQL error 42S22: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'com_html' in 'where clause') called at [/home/thshmu/public_html/workspace/system/database.php:436] #1 CotDB->query(UPDATE sed_com SET com_text = com_html WHERE com_html != '') called at [/home/thshmu/public_html/workspace/setup/siena/] #2 require_once(/home/thshmu/public_html/workspace/setup/siena/ called at [/home/thshmu/public_html/workspace/modules/install/inc/install.update.php:218] #3 include(/home/thshmu/public_html/workspace/modules/install/inc/install.update.php) called at [/home/thshmu/public_html/workspace/install.php:125] --- snap ---
Відредаговано: anotherfruit (06.04.2011 14:29, 13 років тому) |
Trustmaster |
Have you rolled back the database to Genoa before retrying the upgrade? If not, please do so. May the Source be with you!
anotherfruit |
Thanks for the fast response. Yes. I did but it didn't help. |
Trustmaster |
This is strange because com_html column presents in sed_com table since Cotonti 0.6.1. Before performing the upgrade, could you check in phpMyAdmin if that column exists in sed_com table of your Genoa dump? If it doesn't exist, run this SQL query:
ALTER TABLE `sed_com` ADD `com_html` text collate utf8_unicode_ci;
And then upgrade again. May the Source be with you!
anotherfruit |
Thanks for the advice. There was no such column present. After the creation of the column the migration went through. The DB Snapshot was from 0.6.14. Maybe something went wrong during the update. |
Відредаговано: anotherfruit (06.04.2011 16:56, 13 років тому) |