Форуми / Cotonti / Extensions / Commercial plug-ins


#16 09.09.2010 21:26
# Koradhil : The ones I dont know about since their only posted on some obscure Russian sites.

the reason why I started this thread

@ Pieter

My point exactly.

@ kort

You are a bitter person imho. you always have a negative tone in your writing and responses. Ok, that's your business, but nevertheless a bit irritating for others. your reactions do not contribute to a better cotonti.
#17 09.09.2010 21:38
Lets slow this a bit down here... Take it ez guys, we are all here to improve things.

I think it will improve cotonti if all plugin builders will list the plugins they make.
(Bad / good /commercial / not commercial) it does not matter.
And hopefully with an english description, and even better... with english language files.

That's all there is.. right ???
==- I say: Keep it EZ -==
#18 09.09.2010 21:41
#19 09.09.2010 22:11
and whats thats supposed to be?

is that some sort of list?
we just wish some list where ALL Plugins are stored.

English, german, russian, etc. all languages... these some here and some there isnt the best solution.

for example if you take jquery they also have a complete list of all official supported plugins on their site. this makes searching for the right plugin very easy...
URL shortener: <a href="http://bbm.li/!7AD5C7">http://bbm.li/!7AD5C7</a>
#20 09.09.2010 22:29
I write a plug-in Russian, I feel more comfortable
function параметр_тега 	//функция вставляет в строку тега типа <содержимое тега>
						//параметр $вставляем_параметр  вместо cуществующего параметра, если он есть
if	(!$вставляем_параметр)return $тег;
$часть=preg_split("/(\\s*[\<])([^\>]*)/ui", $тег,4,PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
if	(count($часть) == 4)
	$тег = $часть[2];
	foreach	($вставляем_параметр as $код => $значение_кода)
			case 'code': // лексемы
  			case 'enabled': // добавить параметр
	if	($лексемы !== FALSE and $включать !== FALSE and $параметр)
		if	(!empty($включать)) $значение_параметра=$включать;
		foreach	($лексемы as $код)
			$часть=preg_split("/($код\\s*\=\\s*[\'|\"])([^\'|\"]*)/ui", $тег,4,PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
			if	(count($часть) == 4)
				$тег=$часть[0].' '.$часть[1].(empty($значение_параметра)?$часть[2]:$значение_параметра).$часть[3];
				$вставили=TRUE; break;
    if	($включать !== FALSE and $параметр and !$вставили)  $тег .= ' '.$параметр.'=\"'.$значение_параметра.'\"';
    $тег = '<'.$тег.'>';
return $тег;

$получили=параметр_тега (' < тег  Title = "word">  ',array('Title'=>'Новый текст','code'=>array('title','подсказка'),'enabled'=>'фигня'));
echo $получили;
#21 09.09.2010 22:39
Joking apart, all plugins listed at cotonti.com come with English info & localization. We at seditio.by comply with this requirement also. Devs from Russia and Ukraine do the same. All plugins mentioned at obscure Russian and Polish sites are listed at cotonti.com. So what is this all about?
SED.by - создание сайтов, разработка плагинов и тем для Котонти
#22 09.09.2010 22:52
did you realise that this topic isnt about localisations?
it is about having a centralised list of all available plugins.
so we wanted to discuss for having a new category here at cot.com where all comercial plugins can be submitted and the author can be contacted for payment details.

a list what you can search using the search function on ONE SINGLE SITE...
URL shortener: <a href="http://bbm.li/!7AD5C7">http://bbm.li/!7AD5C7</a>
#23 09.09.2010 23:32
We're talking about a repository, perhaps something like this.
#24 09.09.2010 23:59
something like that... yes!

but it could be some sort of category here on this site with some search and "write pm" buttons ?!
URL shortener: <a href="http://bbm.li/!7AD5C7">http://bbm.li/!7AD5C7</a>
#25 10.09.2010 02:04
# urlkiller : @kort
did you realise that this topic isnt about localisations?
Well, I was just curious about two things: how many commercial plugins you're gonna browse through and how many commercial plugins Google failed to translate from Russian.
SED.by - создание сайтов, разработка плагинов и тем для Котонти
#26 10.09.2010 03:14
translation is not always the problem.

If you try to search with a English word. Google will not find it.
... can we help you ...
#27 10.09.2010 06:10
I would like to point out. Since everyone completely ignored my post.

I've created a formal repository system that will come out with Siena 0.9.0 . There is no point in changing things until then.

This will include inputting a version, extension code, Core version. Repository and Siena will allow for update checking for extensions.

When a plugin is updated a Update message will be allowed. With a limitation of having to be approved first. However a update will still show, just minus the message until its approved.

There will also be features for reporting the extension as working/broken, and likely a download link broken report.

I will also add an option to formally support and show commercial extension. No new categories or anything of the sort are needed

Along this lines as well, all old plugins and skins will be moved into a "legacy" folder/section. Any can be moved back if updated and such. As well as more formal standards for approval will likely go into place.
#28 10.09.2010 15:02
Sounds like exactly what we need. Especially the update functionality and versioning sounds promising.
#29 11.09.2010 01:46
dont get the update thing... updating the plugins? how?

none the less this sounds good.
URL shortener: <a href="http://bbm.li/!7AD5C7">http://bbm.li/!7AD5C7</a>
#30 11.09.2010 07:45
Its a version checking like the Core already has. Your install can query cotonti.com to check for updates. (Developers have to do nothing for this)
