Форуми / Cotonti / Extensions / Support / usvisitors plugin not displaying online picture

php output changes url to pic

#1 25.04.2010 00:34
I am using the usvisitors plugin on my profile page of my users:

However, I am not sure what the php is doing as it outputs the link for the online/offline picture completely wrong.
This is the php for the online pic to show (or offline of course):
$usrv_id = $usrv["usrv_id"];
$usrv_vid = sed_build_user($usrv["usrv_vid"],$usrv["usrv_vname"]);
$usrv_seen = date($sed_dateformat,$usrv["usrv_seen"]+$stimezone*3600)." ".$stimetext;

$visitor_online = (sed_userisonline($usrv["usrv_vid"])) ? "1" : "0";
$visitor_on = "<img src=\"skins/$skin/img/online".$visitor_online.".gif\" border=\"0\">";

$user_visitors .= "<table><tr><td style=\"width:75%;vertical-align:bottom;\">".$visitor_on." ".$usrv_vid."</td><td style=\"width:25%;text-align:right;vertical-align:bottom;\">".$usrv_seen."</td></tr></table>";

But the link it outputs in the page looks like this:

It should read:

Anyone has any idea whats going on? I have been looking at the php code for all refenrence to "online" but I really have no idea why its changing the url to "plugins/userpages.tpl" as well as the double "skins" references.
Removing "skins" from the php code does fix that issue but I am still left with the "plugins/userpages.tpl" part in the url.

Bug or feature? The different colored background in my code part of this post?

Added 2 days later:

Ok, it seems this plugin does not work due to the fact I also use the "userlatestposts" and "userpages" plugins.
If I pause those the online/offline pic shows just fine (last seen date does not though).

So, I know I ask in vain, but just to annoy myself a little more............anyone can tell me where plugins do conflict? Is it the variables ($) or with other things?
<img src="http://www.armaholic.com/datas/thumbs/green-sea-battalion-uniforms-version-03-preview_4.jpg" alt="green-sea-battalion-uniforms-version-03-" />

Відредаговано: foxhound (27.04.2010 07:07, 14 років тому)