Форуми / Cotonti / Support / Blank page after 0.0.6 update


#16 13.08.2009 21:30
What exact package do you try install?
May the Source be with you!
#17 14.08.2009 04:17
I discovered the fault is mine - i.e. of this server. It is PHP 5.0.67!

Packages were Cotonti Genesis 0.0.5 and Genoa 0.6.1
Now I trying with Seditio 121 (yep...)
#18 14.08.2009 04:28
5.0.67 looks like a MySQL version, not PHP. Is your problem specific to that host?
May the Source be with you!
#19 14.08.2009 08:25
Yes, it is specific to that host which is the free hosting of godaddy.com

Added 12 hours 39 minutes later:

Ok, an update. Puzzled about my incapacity to install it, I tried again. First off, I uploaded a php info page.
the php on GoDaddy.com server is a whoopping 5.2.8

So, again - why I get a blank page? If I look into the source, there is nothing. Like if something is blocking it.

Відредаговано: Ross (14.08.2009 21:04, 14 років тому)
#20 14.08.2009 21:15
How about letting us take a look at that phpinfo page?

The page gets blank when there are some PHP errors but output buffer prevents them from popping up. You can temporarily disable it by commenting these lines in system/common.php:
/* ======== Gzip and output filtering ======== */
if ($cfg['gzip'])
{ @ob_start('ob_gzhandler'); }
{ ob_start(); }


Then you should see the error messages.
May the Source be with you!
#21 14.08.2009 22:23
this is the blank page I get - it is not completely blank... http://www.zeeprogram.com/
and for the php info: http://www.zeeprogram.com/info.php

I'll try your recommendation.

No successful. Please, read the error message I get. I have no clue

Відредаговано: Ross (14.08.2009 22:32, 14 років тому)
#22 14.08.2009 22:33
the first link sais that there is a problem with the skin files

"message 'Your "./datas/cache/templates/" is not writable'"
the host runs on a linux os.You need to open the site files with the hosts file manager or something,what will give you an opportunity to change the access to the files and folders to CHMOD 777
[url=http://ka13.orgfree.com]KA13[/url] - The essence of creativity
#23 14.08.2009 23:25
There is no "./datas/cache/templates/" in my package!?
#24 14.08.2009 23:53
if you updated from earlier version of cotonti(like 0.0.6 or earlier) than you should have created in the datas folder a folder named cache , and in the cache folder - a skins folder.

than you should have added to the datas/config.php you should have added atleast this:
$cfg['xtpl_cache'] = TRUE;
$cfg['html_cleanup'] = TRUE;
$cfg['cache_dir'] = './datas/cache';


also i noticed that on your site this message appears:
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Your "./datas/cache/templates/" is not writable'
in /home/content/a/l/e/alek4ca/html/system/xtemplate.php:172 Stack trace: #0 /home/content/a/l/e/alek4ca/html/system/xtemplate.php(39): XTemplate->restart('skins/sed-light...') #1 /home/content/a/l/e/alek4ca/html/system/header.php(92): XTemplate->__construct('skins/sed-light...') #2 /home/content/a/l/e/alek4ca/html/system/core/index/index.inc.php(34): require_once('/home/content/a...') #3 /home/content/a/l/e/alek4ca/html/index.php(20): require_once('/home/content/a...') #4 {main} thrown in /home/content/a/l/e/alek4ca/html/system/xtemplate.php on line 172

this could be caused by the thing a at the begining(about the cache folder)
but also it could be caused by the hosts system.It this case you should login on your host members area,then click on 'File manager(i dont know how its called in your host-site)',select all of the files and folders and click on a 'Edit' button,where you should have 'File right' - there should be some field with numbers like '775'-change it to 777
[url=http://ka13.orgfree.com]KA13[/url] - The essence of creativity
#25 15.08.2009 00:07
WOW thank you.

I got it working thanks to you.

Here it is the solution:

I downloaded the latest i.e. Cotonti Genoa 0.6.1 and there's no folder named cache nor a skins or templates folder inside it. Install.txt doesn't say to create it, does it??

So, I created the two folders ("chache" and "templates") inside "datas" and chmod them to 777.

I already had the other folders chmoed to 777.

It looks it is working. Now I register and see what happens.

Thank you but we should add the two folders to the package or tell about their creation in the installation file.

Added 10 minutes later:

I cannot register. It says: Your session has expired. Please try again.

I searched in the forum and found it used to be an issue with 0.6
Hasn't it be fixed now? What should I do?

Відредаговано: Ross (15.08.2009 00:17, 14 років тому)
#26 15.08.2009 00:21
I have just downloaded 0.6.1 package in all 3 formats and unpacked them. The datas/cache/templates is present there. Probably it is your FTP program which just didn't upload it.

Added 4 minutes later:

You need to uncomment those lines back in system/common.php, that is why you can't register.
May the Source be with you!
#27 15.08.2009 00:27
hm.By default when there is an update from one version to another there should be some file,named patch.php(or similar).It could be in the sql folder.The session problem could be caused by this.

If you havent done this,do the next things:
copy this patch file to the root folder of your site
name it patch.php
goto yoursite/patch.php
it will say Patch complete

If this isnt it i dont know what to advice to you.By myself i have a similar problem(but not with registration and i have a much earlier Cotonti installed)
[url=http://ka13.orgfree.com]KA13[/url] - The essence of creativity
#28 15.08.2009 00:54
# Trustmaster : I have just downloaded 0.6.1 package in all 3 formats and unpacked them. The datas/cache/templates is present there. Probably it is your FTP program which just didn't upload it.

Added 4 minutes later:

You need to uncomment those lines back in system/common.php, that is why you can't register.

If I uncomment them, I got the initial problem again - a blank page with two small squares.
#29 15.08.2009 01:05
That means either it still has some errors (although I can't see any), or output buffering goes crazy on this host and doesn't flush. Have you tried installing Seditio there? It uses pretty same output buffering. Another thing that might happen is having invalid characters in skin files or language files. But it is not likely to happen with default skin and English.
May the Source be with you!
#30 15.08.2009 01:42
Default skin and language.

I tried Seditio yesterday and got the same errors - blank page.
