Форуми / Cotonti / Skins / Neocrome forum, icon and description?

#1 06.05.2009 23:19
How do i make the "FORUMS_SECTIONS_ROW_CAT" like neocrome?

With icon and descrition showing...

#2 06.05.2009 23:22
have a look at the sedplus plugin.
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#3 07.05.2009 00:45
Couldnt find anything that made me do that with that plugin...?

I mean how to add a custom icon and description to each forum category.

#4 07.05.2009 01:14
Have you looked at the tags reference library? Is there anything there? If not, it might be something that's not there.
<a href="http://www.domenlo.com">Surreal Art</a>
#5 07.05.2009 01:16

Description :
Icon (URL) :
#6 07.05.2009 03:32
# Kingsley : /admin.php?m=forums&s=structure&n=options&id=1

Description :
Icon (URL) :

Hmm, nothing comes up when i add that.

Whats the tags for them? Couldnt find any in the tags HQ
#7 07.05.2009 05:03
#8 07.05.2009 05:13
# DemptD : Hmm, nothing comes up when i add that.

Whats the tags for them? Couldnt find any in the tags HQ

Is this the one you are looking for : {FORUMS_SECTIONS_ROW_ICON} ?
This is the one in forums.sections.tpl on line 50, however, this icon
is hard-wired somewhere because it points here /images/admin/forums.gif and that .gif
is also the same as the one you have in your AdminQuickView.

The thing is that you should take a look in the system/core/forums/ folder to have a closer look at the forums.inc.php file, with all tags available. However, it ain't going to tell you much, since i think that the Forum Icon you add on creating sections isn't talking the same language as those present in the forums.inc.php file etc.

The forums are a big headache for me aswell. I just change the image forums.gif and i got what i wanted.
Take all that money that we spend on weapons and defences each year and instead spend it feeding and clothing and educating the poor of the world, which it would many times over, not one human being excluded, and we could explore space, together, both inner and outer, forever, in peace. - Bill Hicks

#9 07.05.2009 08:24
Ohh i figured it out.


for description



for the icon :-D

I just tried some random stuff
#10 07.05.2009 08:51
That's interesting, especially the fact that the tagsHQ is missing it.

But yeah, next time you could check at the actual PHP file on what exists and what doesnt. Some hidden gems in there :)
<a href="http://www.domenlo.com">Surreal Art</a>