Форуми / Cotonti / Extensions / Request:: Mass Member Rank Updater

#1 17.04.2009 21:14
For my website that I created, I have it so when you join you are a trial once someone tells an admin on the website we promote you to a member. Would it be possible through a plugin to select a bunch of trial's and "mass" promote them to member. If so could someone possibly create the plugin if they have some free time.
#2 17.04.2009 21:53
umm ican make it but not sure....

it will be a huge list cotaining all members with checkboxes and u check the users and select from a drop down menu the rank and then click promote
Be sure to check out<br /><br /><br />
My site-<a href="http://www.iso-center.co.cc">http://www.iso-center.co.cc</a><br />
My plugins;TPL Editior 1.2 &amp; Mobile site
#3 17.04.2009 21:59
Maybe first select a rank and it will give all users with that rank. (eg If you want to promote some trials to members, select trial.)
Then the list is shorter.
Then the checkboxes.
Then chosing the rank.(eg members)
Then promote.
... can we help you ...
#4 17.04.2009 22:05
btw it can be done via sql query

ALTER Table sed_users

rest of code should be like this(not sure)
ALTER ('user 1') and ('user2')
Change main_grp to ('5')
Be sure to check out<br /><br /><br />
My site-<a href="http://www.iso-center.co.cc">http://www.iso-center.co.cc</a><br />
My plugins;TPL Editior 1.2 &amp; Mobile site
#5 17.04.2009 23:08
Pavlo Tkachenko aka Dayver
#6 19.04.2009 00:50
Thank you so much >.> I knew I should of searched before I posted this...